Has anyone else experienced this problem:
While running races at any tracks any modifications made to car setups
are not saved when the race is saved. This has forced me to make an
extra pit stop immediately after resuming a long race.
Has anyone else experienced this problem:
While running races at any tracks any modifications made to car setups
are not saved when the race is saved. This has forced me to make an
extra pit stop immediately after resuming a long race.
<<While running races at any tracks any modifications made to car
setups are not saved when the race is saved. This has forced me to make
an extra pit stop immediately after resuming a long race.>>
It's not a bug. You have to save your settings in the garage area.
#6 and #94 in the *real* quest for the Cup!
My home away from home... http://www.mindspring.com/~ntotoro/
> <<While running races at any tracks any modifications made to car
> setups are not saved when the race is saved. This has forced me to make
> an extra pit stop immediately after resuming a long race.>>
> It's not a bug. You have to save your settings in the garage area.
> Nick
> _______________________________________________________________
> #6 and #94 in the *real* quest for the Cup!
> My home away from home... http://www.mindspring.com/~ntotoro/
> _______________________________________________________________
I know what your refering too :) . Start with a setup, race it, pit
and make an adjustment, save it, go back and it's the way it was
when you started the run right?? heh, well it *COULD* be a bug I guess
but on a realism scale, The Winston Cup boys don't have the option to
"Save" the race thier running. I guess when it saves the game play.
The Car setup aren't one of the variables so It just loads the default
(orginal) setup file.
I think it might have been an oversight when they made the Sim.
But if you actually think about it (and I don't disagree with saving
a race "Power Loss is frequent in my area") In a way it's cheating.
Depends on what way ya look at it.
Andy A
#58 Winsten Cup NASS 96
***Comm Motorsports Homepage
: <<While running races at any tracks any modifications made to car
: setups are not saved when the race is saved. This has forced me to make
: an extra pit stop immediately after resuming a long race.>>
: It's not a bug. You have to save your settings in the garage area.
: Nick
--- I don't believe he is just referring to set-ups before the race, but
rather any modifications that you may make DURING the race for whatever
reason. These are indeed not saved but instead resorts back to what
you started the race with. Sorry, but true as far as I can tell.
--- Nick is right though as far as NASCAR using the last garage setting
save as the asve game set-up save.....
Christopher Goucher
> : <<While running races at any tracks any modifications made to car
> : setups are not saved when the race is saved. This has forced me to make
> : an extra pit stop immediately after resuming a long race.>>
> : It's not a bug. You have to save your settings in the garage area.
> : Nick
> --- I don't believe he is just referring to set-ups before the race, but
> rather any modifications that you may make DURING the race for whatever
> reason. These are indeed not saved but instead resorts back to what
> you started the race with. Sorry, but true as far as I can tell.
> --- Nick is right though as far as NASCAR using the last garage setting
> save as the asve game set-up save.....
#6 and #94 in the *real* quest for the Cup!
My home away from home... http://www.mindspring.com/~ntotoro/