On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 18:45:23 -0600, Dale Chavez
>Two part question:
>1. Is there any way to run N2 in high-res mode with a switch (ie,
>nascar2 -h)? I've just installed a new video card (Monster) and when I
>run N2 from Windows 98 all I get is 16-color mode (real ugly). I have
>to exit to DOS in order to run in high-res.
Get the 3Dfx patch. You can probably find it at
www.mnworld.com or at least look in his links section. Yellow Flag
would be another place to look.
Not that I'm aware of, but there are DOZENS of sites that will
surely answer any question you can come up with. www.simracing.com is
a good start, too. As always when looking for ANY info: check out
EVERY site's "Links" page for other sites and BOOKMARK everything!
Good luck.