Then you should have watched "That'll teach them" - a UK reality TV show
wherein 30 14 y-olds go back to a 1950's school with a1950's curriculum and
1950's discipline.
Nothing short of jaw-dropping.
Pupils estimated as likely to achieve "A" or "A-star" in GCSE French (among
other subjects), spectacularly failed mock O-level's.
Of the 30, there were fewer than 5 O-level passes - none of which was above
"C" - which fits the statistically-substantiated pattern of educational
decline and dumbing down witnessed since the 1980's (rising pass rates every
year - 45% more at GCSE in the last 10 years alone).
A relic methinx, of the "Let-it-all-hang-out" 60's - when UK society decided
that it would be much nicer if nobody should have to suffer the anguish and
ignominy of academic or sporting failure again.
So let's lower the bar so everyone can get over.
What about the kids it's failing ? - not least the bright ones who are never
Things need to be turned around - Britain's becoming the dunce of Europe.