I have an AMD-K6-233 and a Stealth 64 w/2M VRAM. I was thinking of
upgrading the video card to a Stealth II or some other Rendition-based
card. But I saw in the README.TXT file that came with NASCAR 2 that
the Rendition version of NASCAR 2 won't work with an AMD chip.
I would have assumed that if this were the case, I'd have heard more
complaints/problems reported on this newsgroup. So I'll ask, is anyone
running NASCAR 2 on an AMD-based system with a Rendition Verite-based
card and using NASREND or RENDDMA?
If a NASREND/Rendition/AMD system will not work, are there any other
workarounds (i.e., faster video cards or NASCAR 2 support for other 3D
cards planned)?
Thanks in advance,
David R. Legates