fine for me so I am thinking that maybe you have a wiring issue with some
cross-talk between the the brake and Clutch pots.
>How many out there actually use an analog clutch pedal? I have modified my
>TM Nascar Pro by adding a third pedal, and I was really looking forward to
>using an analog clutch, but this really sucks. The whole car physics seem
>be f* up, the car is unstable under braking, especially when downshifting.
>Every lap seems to be a cold-tyres lap, adding up to three seconds
>my normal lap times and hardly letting me complete a lap without spinning.
>was really starting to dig this sim, now it looks like I gotta learn
>everything from the beginning. I'll rip that clutch pedal out soon if I
>don't get some encouraging hints on how to get through this. If this
>behaviour is realistic, f* knows how I'd ever get below 1:09 at the Glen,
>constant lap time in the Ferrari.
>Thanks in advance,