thru, so appologies if this is retreading old ground...
We all know that physics and track-environment wise, GPL is -the- benchmark
product. It's just not set up as a game, which has harmed sales no end.
Nothing on the horizon looks close to being as involving, not even from Papy
themselves. Could they do an id and sell/lease out their engine? Other
companies would have a fantastic starting point with which to produce some
magnificent titles that could cross over to the mainstream and introduce more
people to the pleasures of full on simming without the massive learning
curve. Career modes, junior formulae to complete before graduating to upper
echelons, training modes, lessons, maybe multiplayer catchup (ugh!) and ghost
modes. Game elements such as locking tracks out are totally against my way
of thinking, but if they inspire -gamers- to continue, it could be the
necessary bait to get them hooked on our beloved genre. Not having to worry
so much about having to develop a physics/driving/track construction model
from the ground up would allow developers to concentrate on these crossover
friendly features. Image GT with GPL physics, proper AI with larger fields,
real tracks, damage modelling, and in lovely clear high res. Now -that-
would be something to behold...
What about it? Feasible?
Reading, UK
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