Monster 3d II (8mb) - I didn't go for the 12mb because I figured I could
get another 8mb VII when prices drop and use them in SLI mode.
I used to use 3dfxtweek (if I remember correctly) which was an
aftermarket shareware program to beat the VoodooI into submission. I
see that most of its features are now included with the VoodooII
I am currently running in 1284x1068 only because it is new to me and I
figure that I can perhaps see a raised arm more clearly for on-line
passing... I may drop the res down to 800x600 because of the FPS hit (I
have a Celeron 300A o/c'd to 374mhz). What settings should I be using
for the VoodooII to best increase FPS in GPL? V-synch? Limit texture
memory? From the posts I have seen I may avoid the new drivers... or
should I be avoiding the 3dfx reference drivers and *do* get the new
Diamond drivers?
I do wish to keep all 19 drivers, 8 sounds and all details on, with the
detail bias at about 50%. I would rather sacrifice the hi-res than any
of those and drop back down to 800x600.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
P.S. I have a cable modem so I look forward to hosting some hell bent
for leather races soon!
Cheers all,
(remove "*no-spam*" from address to reply).