Thrustmaster still has good support


Thrustmaster still has good support

by jimik » Tue, 25 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Earlier this year my T2 steering pot started glitching, when contacted
Thrustmaster promptly sent a replacement, no charge. Recently the
throttle spring broke, and again prompt service at no charge. Owning
this product for 2 years now, I would say the T2 is a light duty unit,
and not open to much abuse. But, because of exceptional service I would
purchase and recommend Thrustmaster products.

Just my thoughts,


Thrustmaster still has good support

by =REZ » Wed, 26 Aug 1998 04:00:00

I once emailed TM support because I found CART racing impossible to set up
with the GP1 on my system. Their 'Bot' replied and said to expect up to a
week for a reply.  They never did..
I got rid of my GP1,
end of story..

>Earlier this year my T2 steering pot started glitching, when contacted
>Thrustmaster promptly sent a replacement, no charge. Recently the
>throttle spring broke, and again prompt service at no charge. Owning
>this product for 2 years now, I would say the T2 is a light duty unit,
>and not open to much abuse. But, because of exceptional service I would
>purchase and recommend Thrustmaster products.

>Just my thoughts,

Nathan Wo

Thrustmaster still has good support

by Nathan Wo » Wed, 26 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Did you find out what was wrong? Maybe it was your setup? Maybe it was
a faulty wheel which you could have replaced and tried again?
Sounds like you gave up a bit easily.

>I once emailed TM support because I found CART racing impossible to set up
>with the GP1 on my system. Their 'Bot' replied and said to expect up to a
>week for a reply.  They never did..
>I got rid of my GP1,
>end of story..

>>Earlier this year my T2 steering pot started glitching, when contacted
>>Thrustmaster promptly sent a replacement, no charge. Recently the
>>throttle spring broke, and again prompt service at no charge. Owning
>>this product for 2 years now, I would say the T2 is a light duty unit,
>>and not open to much abuse. But, because of exceptional service I would
>>purchase and recommend Thrustmaster products.

>>Just my thoughts,

Nathan Wong
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