A monster, of course, and you should be proud of it :o))).
> My God, what have I created???? :^)
> >Oh no, formulas, please no formulas :o). Lets wait with the formulas
> until we have to
> >calculate something and instead concentrate on how to understand this
> phenomena, okay :o)?
> >I interpreted drag as somehing dragging the car, thus vacuum. It's of
> course not vacuum, but a
> >lower air pressure than normal (if it gets to low, their will be
> rain).
> >At the front of a moving car there is something trying to push the
> car backwards - air
> >resistance. In front of the car there is of course air and to place
> the car where the air is,
> >we have to move the air, and as we all know air has mass, so this
> will need some force :o). I
> >guess we can do this in two way, either push the air in front of us
> (a flat front) or push it
> >aside (a front formed as some kind of projectile). I wont try to
> understand why pushing the
> >air is a bad idea, but we dont want a parachute effect, I guess. So
> we push the air aside;
> >over, under and to the sides of the car.
> >The amount of air pushed aside must be approximately the front area
> of the car (take a picture
> >of the car from the front, and any part of the picture covered by the
> car is the front area)
> >mulitplied with the length we have travelled. This mass of air being
> moved is of course moved
> >faster the faster we go. The faster we have to move the air the
> greater force needed to do so,
> >hence this force increase with speed. To calculate the force needed
> could be tricky, because
> >the air doesn't only get moved it also compresses and the compression
> increases with speed.
> >Now what we have created is locally higher pressure of air over,
> under and on the sides of the
> >moving car, so when the now locally lower pressure (what I earlier
> unpedagogically called
> >vacuum :o) ) of air behind the car gets in contact of this locally
> higher pressures, well,
> >what I'm trying to say is that I dont think the air needs a lot of
> force to get down behind
> >the car. Have you noticed how an F1 car narrows at the rear. The
> lower pressure sucking down
> >the air behind the car is of course also pulling on the car itself.
> To recap, this lower
> >pressure behind the moving car was because we travel away from the
> air behind the car, thus
> >behind the car there will be locally lower air pressure.
> >I dont think the lower pressure at the rear will help to suck the air
> from the front to the
> >rear. Think of it as you're standing by the side of a track looking
> at the air in front of you
> >over the track. An F1 car passes by. When it hits the air in front of
> you it will push that
> >air upwards, when the car is straight in front of you the air above
> it is compressed and
> >shortly after, because of being compressed and the lower pressure
> behind the car, pushed down
> >behind the car.
> >What's turbulence?
> >/Christer, now out of air :o)
> >> > > Okay, so lets talk about aerodynamic drag...o^)
> >> > I know, I know, I know, I mean have some guesses :o))). When a
> car moves it
> >> > leaves the air molecules that was behind it, so these molecules
> must be
> >> > replaced, because vacuum is not acceptable within our atmosphere
> :o). This start
> >> > of a vacuum behind the car will of course also pull on the car,
> thus drag. The
> >> > principle is the same as in your vacuum cleaner, Bruce, it's as
> we had someone
> >> > chasing us with a vacuum cleaner :o).
> >> > With a wing it gets more complicated. Because the wing has forced
> the air
> >> > upwards with speed it makes this air harder to suck in behind the
> car, hence the
> >> > vacuum gets a little larger with a wing, and even larger with
> more wing :o).
> >> > Now correct me :o).
> >> Sure will! :))
> >> This vacumn only occurs at high speeds and is more accurately
> termed "eddy" (or was
> >> that Eddie?) or turbulance. Race cars and there wings are designed
> to be as
> >> aerodynamically efficient as possible. They will enjoy perfect
> slipstreaming (shearing
> >> effects close to the surface only) until the speed of air passing
> around them can no
> >> longer act in a perfectly slipstreamed fashion and then eddies
> begin to form which is less
> >> efficient.
> >> From memory, this is what this all means mathematically.
> >> Drag increases linearly whilst in perfect slipstreaming
> conditions. ie Drag =
> >> Coefficient of drag (C) * Speed
> >> the Coefficient of drag (C) in this example is related to
> the slipperiness of the
> >> surface (special paints, etc) and for the entire car would be some
> type of average of the
> >> sum of all the bits of the car ie tyres, wings, driver's helmet,
> body, etc, etc.
> >> As different bits of the car enter into non slipstreamed
> behavior as speed increases,
> >> then from this point the drag increases as the square of the speed.
> >> ie delta Drag = C * (delta Speed) squared (Not
> completely sure)
> >> So to use the front wing as an example, lets say it has perfect
> slipstreaming till
> >> speed "Y" and that the speed of the car is Y + Z
> >> Drag = [C * Y] + [C * (Z squared)] (Not completely sure)
> >> I am rusty on this but you get the general idea.
> >> What a sim developer quickly realizes here is that trying to do
> this to complete
> >> accuracy is virtually impossible since it would involve modelling
> every single outer part
> >> of the car and all their different C's and slipstream thresholds.
> So what could be done is
> >> to just give the entire car an average "C" and slipstream threshold
> (my guess is this is
> >> where most sims stand for now with only linear/overall adjustments
> for different wing
> >> settings) or take it a step or 2 further and just model the most
> important bits. Perhaps
> >> model front wheels and susp boxs as 1 piece, same for rear
> wheels/susp boxs, front and
> >> rear wings, and, of course, the body/driver/helmet. I would think
> we should expect the
> >> body/susp/tyres/driver/etc and wings to be modelled independantly
> in modern sims. ie
> >> adjusting ride height at the front and rear would increase/decrease
> drag/downforce and
> >> changing wing angles would adjust the drag/downforce for them and
> these 3 things should be
> >> calculated independantly and their sum be the overall areodynamic
> model of the car. Maybe
> >> Mike Lescault could enlighten us on any plans in this area for Cart
> Racing 2 and how it
> >> was done in ICR2 :))