
Peter Viet


by Peter Viet » Mon, 15 Jun 1998 04:00:00

Does anyone know the equations for the forces affecting a vehicle? I'm
writing a program where a car drives around a track and I wanted to add
physics to it. Eventually maybe I'll make a game out of it.

Peter Vieth

IGZ Handle: Fitek
ICQ UIN: 3660410
Web page:

Todd Hecke


by Todd Hecke » Tue, 16 Jun 1998 04:00:00

Well, it depends on how fancy you want to get.  Do you want true
four-wheel suspension?  Or are you willing to assume that the surface
is perfectly flat and fudge things like body roll?  Will each tire be
modeled separately?  The basic equation for the linear motion dynamics
of any rigid body is, of course, the classic F=MA (it has a
corresponding equation for angular motion).  This is generally
implemented as a set of differential equations:

dV = F / M
dP = V

where V is velocity and P is position, expressed as 3-tuples.  These
are solved using some sort of numerical integration technique, such as
Euler or Runga-Kutta.

So the problem then becomes one of figuring out the forces acting on
the vehicle.  Not counting collisions and the like, the forces
involved fall into one of two classes: vertical forces deriving from
the suspension and the force of gravity; and horizontal forces
deriving from the interaction of the tires with the road surface.  For
simplicities sake, most games have mostly ignored vertical forces up
until now, since it GREATLY complicates things.  Even dealing with the
forces generated by the tires is complex enough that Nascar 1 and 2
(supposedly) really only model ONE tire, although of course they do
keep track of separate tire temperatures.  The problem further breaks
down into longitudinal (acceleration/braking) and lateral (cornering)
forces.  Both usually involve modeling tire "slip" and the resulting
friction; for longitudinal forces a simple function which returns a
friction value of 0 for no slip, rising rapidly to the tires maximum
coeff. of friction as slip increases and then trailing off
asymptotically to constant value (representing a slipping tire's
coeff. of friction) works pretty well.  The force being generated is
then proportional to the force pushing DOWN on the tire (usually the
car's weight divided by the acceleration of gravity and divided again
by the number of tires you are modeling) multiplied by the calculated
coeff. of friction.  Lateral forces are more complicated; one must
take into account not only the amount of slip but the angle of slip as
well, and that's all I can really say about that.

I hope this has been helpful and that I didn't say too much that was
obvious or already understood.  I should say that it helps to have a
thorough grounding in linear algebra and, to some extent, calculus
(for the differential equations), although there is a lot of
public-domain software around for doing the numerical integration
stuff (I highly recommend "Numerical Recipes in C" if you don't
already have it).  Good luck!


>Does anyone know the equations for the forces affecting a vehicle?
>writing a program where a car drives around a track and I wanted to
>physics to it. Eventually maybe I'll make a game out of it.

>Peter Vieth

>IGZ Handle: Fitek
>ICQ UIN: 3660410
>Web page:

Grant Reev


by Grant Reev » Thu, 18 Jun 1998 04:00:00

>   Jesus,whats the matter with you people!!As extremely intelligent you people
> seem to be,you cant figure out why a grooved tire has less grip then the
> slicks????Its as easy as knowing that every *** molecule that is in
> contact with the ground adds to the overall grip of the tire contact
> patch.When you said that the friction remains the same regardless of the
> surface size,I think your friend just interpreted the facts wrong and came to
> a wrong conclusion.It CAN happen:)So dont let all this scientific mumbo jumbo
> mess you up and just stick with common sense.

ah, but when you distribute the weight of the car over the larger
smaller area of the contact patch on grooved tyres, there are less
overall molecules to carry the weight of the car, thus the amount
of downward pressure on each molecule is increased, providing more
traction. That's why that chap said that it doesn't matter how much
surface area is in contact, the friction size stays the same, because
theoretically larger surface areas distribute the weight at less
force per unit of area.

But in reality not everything is so cut and dried. This model suits
hard surfaces which don't deform at all. The nature of *** means
that it's surface molds to fit the surface of the road (or anything
else) that it touches, on a molecular level, giving extra sideways
grip. It is this extra sideways grip which gives more traction with
more contact area. Of course, I'm just theorising here, and so it's
likely that this is not the right reason for *** gripping more:)


Bruce Kennewel


by Bruce Kennewel » Thu, 18 Jun 1998 04:00:00

Please explain this physical impossibility......!

> the weight of the car over the larger
> smaller area of the contact patch

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Han Monsee


by Han Monsee » Thu, 18 Jun 1998 04:00:00

Both of you could be right. It depends on the exact parameters in the

Any surface that is in contact with another surface has a certain maximum
grip (Maximum friction-force). This maximum is some kind of function of
the pressure on the surface, lets say Grip per unit area = (Pressure)^a,
with a some exponential (this must be true, at least in first order

When the surface decreases with an factor b (e.g. new surface =  (old
surface)/b, for b > 1), the presure increases with the same factor b

In that case the Grip/area      = (presure)^a
                                = (old presure * b)^a
                                = (old presure)^a * b^a
                                = (Old Grip/area) * b^a

The total grip becomes: (Grip/Area) * Area

                        = (Old Grip/Area) * Area * b^a
                        = (Old Grip/Area) * (Old Area)/b  * b^a
                        = (Old Grip) * b^(a-1)

Conclusion: if the grip/area is proportional to the pressure (thus: a=1),
then the grip wil be constant.

If the grip/area is sublineair with the pressure (thus; a<1) the grip will
increase when the area becomes less.

Personally I think the latter case is most likely.

Greetings, Han Monsees

> >   Jesus,whats the matter with you people!!As extremely intelligent you people
> > seem to be,you cant figure out why a grooved tire has less grip then the
> > slicks????Its as easy as knowing that every *** molecule that is in
> > contact with the ground adds to the overall grip of the tire contact
> > patch.When you said that the friction remains the same regardless of the
> > surface size,I think your friend just interpreted the facts wrong and came to
> > a wrong conclusion.It CAN happen:)So dont let all this scientific mumbo jumbo
> > mess you up and just stick with common sense.

> ah, but when you distribute the weight of the car over the larger
> smaller area of the contact patch on grooved tyres, there are less
> overall molecules to carry the weight of the car, thus the amount
> of downward pressure on each molecule is increased, providing more
> traction. That's why that chap said that it doesn't matter how much
> surface area is in contact, the friction size stays the same, because
> theoretically larger surface areas distribute the weight at less
> force per unit of area.

> But in reality not everything is so cut and dried. This model suits
> hard surfaces which don't deform at all. The nature of *** means
> that it's surface molds to fit the surface of the road (or anything
> else) that it touches, on a molecular level, giving extra sideways
> grip. It is this extra sideways grip which gives more traction with
> more contact area. Of course, I'm just theorising here, and so it's
> likely that this is not the right reason for *** gripping more:)

> Grant.

"Het doel is de wind. En omdat het doel altijd blijft, blijft de wind ook
altijd, dus zal het zeil nooit omvallen"
                                                Ronald Giphart in Rails


Jeff Salzma


by Jeff Salzma » Thu, 18 Jun 1998 04:00:00

>  Jesus,whats the matter with you people!!As extremely intelligent you people
>seem to be,you cant figure out why a grooved tire has less grip then the
>slicks????Its as easy as knowing that every *** molecule that is in
>contact with the ground adds to the overall grip of the tire contact
>patch.When you said that the friction remains the same regardless of the
>surface size,I think your friend just interpreted the facts wrong and came to
>a wrong conclusion.It CAN happen:)So dont let all this scientific mumbo jumbo
>mess you up and just stick with common sense.

        Let's not forget, uh, chemical-mechanical adhesion, the kind
that makes the marbles that you pick up after the race so sticky. I
don't think rain tires have any of that- they don't need it- so it's
safe to say that there's another reason that wets don't stick as well.

        Unless that was already mentioned, and I'm a stooge, or my
newsreader sucks, or both :)

Christer Andersso


by Christer Andersso » Thu, 18 Jun 1998 04:00:00

What we know:

1. Soft tyres has more grip than hard tyres.
2. Hard tyres last longer than soft tyres.
3. The friction force stays the same no matter what the contact size is.

Do I have to continue, or have you figured it out already :o)? Suppose I add:

4. The more pressure per square centimeter there is on a tyre, the more the tyre

This leads to the conclusions that size dont matter on grip, but a larger size
will give us a lower pressure per square centimeter, thus lower tyre wear, thus
allowing us to have softer tyre, which gives us more grip :o).

The grooves in the F1 tyres decrease the contact size, thus force the teams to
have harder tyres to get the same tyre wear as before.

/Christer, now I could be completely wrong, but I dont think so :o)

> With that stated, how does the recent introduction of grooved tires (in
> F1) have any bearing on the amount of grip which the tires provide?
> Although the contact patch is reduced there would be no less friction at
> work to keep the tires in the road. We were unable to figure this out. I
> hope you can succinctly explain this in laymen's terms for me :)

> Thanks in advance,
> Simon

> > Well, it depends on how fancy you want to get.  Do you want true
> > four-wheel suspension?  Or are you willing to assume that the surface
> > is perfectly flat and fudge things like body roll?  Will each tire be

> [snip]

> > public-domain software around for doing the numerical integration
> > stuff (I highly recommend "Numerical Recipes in C" if you don't
> > already have it).  Good luck!

> > Todd

Christer Andersso


by Christer Andersso » Thu, 18 Jun 1998 04:00:00

Of course, I didn't think this through enough in my post :o). With a smaller
width tyre you have a smaller tyre to absorb the same energy (the weight of the
car is the same), so it get's heated faster and probably has a higher running
temperature. You will probably need a harder tyre just to cope with the heat.

/Christer, I think I now understand why I want a tyre to have a contact area as
large as possible :o).

> From what I've understand, the most significant factor is heat
> buildup, i.e. with the grooved (or smaller width) tires there is less
> surface area available for heat dissipation and therefore heat builds
> up faster.  This obviously has an adverse affect on the tire's
> performance and longevity.

> >Todd - I read your reply with interest and I think I understood some
> of
> >it :) I have a another question though. A friend of mine, who is in
> >science, has stated that the 'force' of friction (if I may call it
> that)
> >is the same regardless of surface area. That is, if you stood a brick
> on
> >end and slid it down an incline, the resistance generated by friction
> >would be no less than if the brick were laying on its largest
> surface.

> >With that stated, how does the recent introduction of grooved tires
> (in
> >F1) have any bearing on the amount of grip which the tires provide?
> >Although the contact patch is reduced there would be no less friction
> at
> >work to keep the tires in the road. We were unable to figure this
> out. I
> >hope you can succinctly explain this in laymen's terms for me :)

> >Thanks in advance,
> >Simon

> >> Well, it depends on how fancy you want to get.  Do you want true
> >> four-wheel suspension?  Or are you willing to assume that the
> surface
> >> is perfectly flat and fudge things like body roll?  Will each tire
> be

> >[snip]

> >> public-domain software around for doing the numerical integration
> >> stuff (I highly recommend "Numerical Recipes in C" if you don't
> >> already have it).  Good luck!

> >> Todd

Jerry Logsd


by Jerry Logsd » Thu, 18 Jun 1998 04:00:00

> What we know:

> 1. Soft tyres has more grip than hard tyres.
> 2. Hard tyres last longer than soft tyres.
> 3. The friction force stays the same no matter what the contact size is.

> Do I have to continue, or have you figured it out already :o)? Suppose I add:

> 4. The more pressure per square centimeter there is on a tyre, the more
the tyre
> wears.

> This leads to the conclusions that size dont matter on grip, but a larger size
> will give us a lower pressure per square centimeter, thus lower tyre
wear, thus
> allowing us to have softer tyre, which gives us more grip :o).

> The grooves in the F1 tyres decrease the contact size, thus force the teams to
> have harder tyres to get the same tyre wear as before.

> /Christer, now I could be completely wrong, but I dont think so :o)

Yes you are. Friction force increases as the contact patch increases. I
know the simple physics equation for friction says otherwise, but it's not
applicable to situations like *** on pavement.

And to whoever says grooves affect heat dissipation is wrong also. I
believe they said it was because slicks have more surface area to
dissipate the heat. Think again on that one. Grooves add surface area. But
the tread squirm (the true technical term) caused by the grooves generates
heat, causing the tire to fail if pushed hard.

One last comment. It pains me to think of all the people who believe the
false answers they read on these newgroups and pass them on to other naive
people. Everyone would benefit if unsure people would check up one the
facts instead of just guessing. But then again maybe I'm the only one who
cares about correct answers. Maybe it's my engineering degree, my work in
a tribological lab, and my racing cars and motorcycles that lets me know
the right answer to these questions. Not just listening to others


Todd Hecke


by Todd Hecke » Thu, 18 Jun 1998 04:00:00

>Maybe it's my engineering degree, my work in
>a tribological lab, and my racing cars and motorcycles that lets me
>the right answer to these questions.

Then again, maybe its your high-and-mighty, piss-poor attitude that
causes people to rarely ask you these questions, knowing that you'll
ream them out good if they even hazard a guess as to an answer to an
amazingly complex question.


Matthew V. Jessic


by Matthew V. Jessic » Thu, 18 Jun 1998 04:00:00

> Maybe it's my engineering degree, my work in
> a tribological lab, and my racing cars and motorcycles that lets me know
> the right answer to these questions.
> Not just listening to others guessing.

Guessing is a pretty good word for an area where
there is little theory and empiricism holds sway.

How much does one have to increase the width to
get a 10% increase in friction? (Double it? ;)

- Matt

Mike Lescaul


by Mike Lescaul » Thu, 18 Jun 1998 04:00:00

> >Maybe it's my engineering degree, my work in
> >a tribological lab, and my racing cars and motorcycles that lets me
> know
> >the right answer to these questions.

> Then again, maybe its your high-and-mighty, piss-poor attitude that
> causes people to rarely ask you these questions, knowing that you'll
> ream them out good if they even hazard a guess as to an answer to an
> amazingly complex question.

> Todd

It's probably best not to head down this path, Todd.


PS- Regarding N1 & N2, all 4 tires are modeled, not just one.  Think of
those cars as a brick with 4 wheels.(as opposed to a multiple rigid body
system as in GPL)

Todd Hecke


by Todd Hecke » Thu, 18 Jun 1998 04:00:00

I had second thoughts as soon as I hit the "Post" button.  A little
too late, unfortunately.  I tried to qualify my statements as being my
"what I'd heard," not any sort of last word.  Thanks for setting me


>It's probably best not to head down this path, Todd.


>PS- Regarding N1 & N2, all 4 tires are modeled, not just one.  Think
>those cars as a brick with 4 wheels.(as opposed to a multiple rigid
>system as in GPL)

Todd Hecke


by Todd Hecke » Thu, 18 Jun 1998 04:00:00

>And to whoever says grooves affect heat dissipation is wrong also. I
>believe they said it was because slicks have more surface area to
>dissipate the heat. Think again on that one. Grooves add surface
area. But
>the tread squirm (the true technical term) caused by the grooves
>heat, causing the tire to fail if pushed hard.

Well, I guess I violated Wolfgang's first rule of newsgroup etiquette
(e.g. don't take flames personally!).  I apologize for the outburst.
Obviously you are correct about the surface area, since the grooves
are just like fins on a heat sink.  I still say that the grooves
AFFECT heat dissipation, however, in that the resulting tire squirm
generates more heat and the tire, even with the larger surface area,
is unable to dissipate the additional heat effectively.  Does that
make sense?


Edwin Solhei


by Edwin Solhei » Fri, 19 Jun 1998 04:00:00

>With a smaller width tyre you have a smaller tyre to absorb the same energy

(the >weight of the car is the same), so it get's heated faster and probably
has a higher >running temperature.

Just to make this stuff even more complicated...

Since the tires are narrower, they'll also cool-off faster!!!

Edwin Solheim
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