Both of you could be right. It depends on the exact parameters in the
Any surface that is in contact with another surface has a certain maximum
grip (Maximum friction-force). This maximum is some kind of function of
the pressure on the surface, lets say Grip per unit area = (Pressure)^a,
with a some exponential (this must be true, at least in first order
When the surface decreases with an factor b (e.g. new surface = (old
surface)/b, for b > 1), the presure increases with the same factor b
In that case the Grip/area = (presure)^a
= (old presure * b)^a
= (old presure)^a * b^a
= (Old Grip/area) * b^a
The total grip becomes: (Grip/Area) * Area
= (Old Grip/Area) * Area * b^a
= (Old Grip/Area) * (Old Area)/b * b^a
= (Old Grip) * b^(a-1)
Conclusion: if the grip/area is proportional to the pressure (thus: a=1),
then the grip wil be constant.
If the grip/area is sublineair with the pressure (thus; a<1) the grip will
increase when the area becomes less.
Personally I think the latter case is most likely.
Greetings, Han Monsees
> > Jesus,whats the matter with you people!!As extremely intelligent you people
> > seem to be,you cant figure out why a grooved tire has less grip then the
> > slicks????Its as easy as knowing that every *** molecule that is in
> > contact with the ground adds to the overall grip of the tire contact
> > patch.When you said that the friction remains the same regardless of the
> > surface size,I think your friend just interpreted the facts wrong and came to
> > a wrong conclusion.It CAN happen:)So dont let all this scientific mumbo jumbo
> > mess you up and just stick with common sense.
> ah, but when you distribute the weight of the car over the larger
> smaller area of the contact patch on grooved tyres, there are less
> overall molecules to carry the weight of the car, thus the amount
> of downward pressure on each molecule is increased, providing more
> traction. That's why that chap said that it doesn't matter how much
> surface area is in contact, the friction size stays the same, because
> theoretically larger surface areas distribute the weight at less
> force per unit of area.
> But in reality not everything is so cut and dried. This model suits
> hard surfaces which don't deform at all. The nature of *** means
> that it's surface molds to fit the surface of the road (or anything
> else) that it touches, on a molecular level, giving extra sideways
> grip. It is this extra sideways grip which gives more traction with
> more contact area. Of course, I'm just theorising here, and so it's
> likely that this is not the right reason for *** gripping more:)
> Grant.
"Het doel is de wind. En omdat het doel altijd blijft, blijft de wind ook
altijd, dus zal het zeil nooit omvallen"
Ronald Giphart in Rails