>>With a.. with a joypad? Do yourself a favor buddy, wheels are so cheap
>>nowadays, get one, it makes life to much easier :)
>a microsoft ff wheel costs about R1600 here in cape town. gpl is
>currently available for R99. i would like to buy a wheel, but
>basically the wheel costs about 7 times the cost of a new game. (gpl
>is a budget game, of course).
>if you consider that i can afford to buy less than 5 games a year,
>then you realise the magnitude of the problem. with nascar4, gp3
>addon, f1rc (if it is improved by the patches), wsc (!), etc all due
>out sooner or later, i guess I can struggle on with my joypad a little
>while longer. i had thrustmaster t2 a long time ago, which has gone
>to its final resting place in peripheral heaven. i don't want another
>wheel like that so a more modern wheel is going to cost quite a bit.
>i do intend to buy one, obviously, but sometimes life has other
>priorities. at least that's what my wife says...
>sorry to sound so depressing, it was not my intention.
Yep, the ff wheels are still quite expensive, but a non-ff wheel is
very cheap, at least here in Holland. A good non-ff wheel cost here
about 100 guilders, which is the price of a new game.
Perhaps you can find a cheap used wheel on Ebay or something like
that? An analogue joystick would be an alternative, you can get those
really cheap, and it works much better in racing games than a joypad..
PS Your wife -is- right :)