but nr 2002 locks up in the pits.
I changed vid drivers and got Nascar Heat to work
but Nr 2002 locked up in the pits or wheel calibration
I changed sound card drivers and got SCGT to work with lockups but Nr 2002
still locks up.
Has anyone gotten Nr 2002 to run with a Visiontek GeeForce 3 ti 200?
I'm using the 27+ drivers
AMD XP 1800+
Win 98se
256 PC 133 memory
Visontek 6564 GF3 Ti 200 64 meg vid card
Turtlebeach Santa Cruz sound with drivers dated March 2001
TM Nascar Pro Digital 2 wheels with only the TM pro dig drivers in the
*** control panel loaded. No Thrustmapper software used. so single axis
brake and gas pedal.
dave henrie