At ras here, some of us have talked about two (or more, depending on how you
break them down) methods for handling tire forces with slip ratio and slip
angle. I don't use Pacejka yet, but instead use a very simplified curve, but I
think the results would still be similar. Basically:
1. Using slip ratio, calculate longitudinal force. Then, using slip angle,
calculate lateral force. If the combined force is larger than the tire can
handle at its current load, trim the lateral force using the Pythagorean
theorem. (c^2 = a^2 + b^2 for lurkers, basic high school stuff, nothing fancy)
This means that the longitudinal force stays exactly as it's calculated from
the slip ratio and the lateral force *only* is modified. This is how I do it,
and the car can be oversteered through high speed corners with opposite lock
and recovered with no problem (provided the yaw axis polar moment of inertia is
big enough, otherwise it happens too fast to control). The longitudinal force
itself is only trimmed if it's too large by itself. With this method, a
spinning tire can develop no lateral force, which I don't believe is as close
to reality as you might get with the next method.
Brian Beckman's, Ruud vanGaal's, and Gregor Veble's methods are different,
however (I think, correct me if I'm wrong, guys) They do something like this:
2. Using slip ratio and slip angle, find the combined force vector. Then,
if it's outside the friction circle, trim *both* the lateral and longitudinal
forces to fit, rather than just t*** the lateral force by itself, leaving
the longitudinal force untouched.
Actually, I think they're t*** the slip vector itself first somehow
before doing this, so my description isn't exactly right. I still haven't done
much with tire models, so am low-man on the totem pole here on that subject :-)
Anyway, I have a feeling that this is a tire model thing (even though you've
switched methods), so if you can lay out some details on how you're handling
limit-force behavior, someone might be able to point something out.
You've mentioned that with a locking differential you can get oversteer. I
assume that otherwise you're using a fully open differential and the inside
wheel spins, preventing oversteer, right? If this is the case, try lowering
the center of mass a little at a time and see if you get somewhat controllable
oversteer at some point (or widen the track width.) This might not help too
much though, as you're saying that you're having trouble recovering the spin.
If you'll describe your limiting-force technique, maybe there's a clue there.
It's also entirely possible that the car setup itself is the culprit.
Todd Wasson
Performance Simulations
Drag Racing and Top Speed Prediction