An err, ah, hmm, a, I mean a friend of mine says ;)
to be very respectful of the wheel hop mode.
The masses and stiffnesses, etc., in race cars are such
that if you let it get numerically unstable it can
actually bounce the car completely off the ground.
This err, a, friend of mine, had a wheel hop
instability last week due to high frequency being fed
in from the engine rev limiting that had some very
annoying results.
These spring - mass - damper suspension systems are
basically second order low pass filters. They have a
resonance frequency and an amplification ratio
that depends on the undamped natural frequency
(spring stiffnesses) and the damping ratio.
The higher the input frequency is above
the filters cut off frequency, the more attenuation
there is. (The disturbing input signal is filtered out.)
The higher frequency inputs are attenuated in the
high frequency modes as well as the low frequency
modes because the cutoff frequency is much closer to
the input frequency.
If you allow a significant amount of power to enter them
in the frequency range where they resonate,
Bad Things Can Happen.
If you put in a wheel hop mode, also be very careful
about differentiating positions to get velocities.
For example:
suspensionRate =
(suspensionPos - previousSuspensionPos)/deltaTime;
is very dangerous.
This differentiator is also a digital filter and it
has the frequency response of _amplifying_
high frequency inputs rather than attenuating them.
Matthew V. Jessick Motorsims
Vehicle Dynamics Engineer (972)910-8866 Ext.125, Fax: (972)910-8216