If you don't model tire-load sensitivity (decreasing coeff. of friction with
increasing load), none of your chassis adjustments will work properly, and
a front-heavy car will be oversteer instead of understeer in neutral
throttle conditions... when I was starting my own model I didn't do any
fancy roll-center stuff at first, and even then the car would behave
correctly in the case you describe, so I would guess you may have a bug in
your existing stuff somewhere--writing good telemetry tools and printing out
intermediate values is crucial for debugging physics code, as things can
really seem to work even when terms are the wrong sign, unit conversion
problem (if you live in the US like me and get quantities in
slug-feet-squared and other such nonsense), or other things like that.
Usually once you start working on roll centers, you will discover that you
already had an implicit roll center already, but it's probably always
exactly at ground level, which shouldn't be a bad place to start.
Things to check off the top of my head would include your longitudinal force
combining--try setting your slip ratio to zero and coast into a turn to
simplify the situation, also check to make sure the "wrong end" of your tire
curve checks out correctly, with no sine(x) = x approximations starting to
bite you as becomes large, also check that you are correctly factoring in
the angular velocity of the car body at the wheel point, that you aren't
getting overlarge integration errors, esp from wheel hop or wheel rotation
chatter, etc, etc. It can be very hard to get a good chassis setup even for
a sim you wrote yourself--it's about as hard as setting up a real car, which
takes years of experience, but you should be able to throw on a stiff front
anti-roll bar on your vehicle and at least get it to plow like a pig into
corners... keep on trying, the first time you can make your own car that
feels right is an amazing experience!
-Dave P.