I need to use keyboard steering and I've basically got the left &
right keys increasing the steering angle to about 30 degrees. If the
user has no keys pressed then the steering travels back to 0 degrees.
If I use Beckmans magic formula (Phors Part 29...),
Flateral = weight * 31 * SlipAngle * (1 + POW(ABS(9.625 *
then the front-wheels slip angle is only momentarily at its peak, it
then passes through the max-force slip angle & tapers off, leaving the
car with extreme understeer.
If I however limit the max steering angle to +/- 8 degrees it steers
ok, but once the car starts to slide there isn't enough steering angle
to control the oversteer & it's useless.
It appears to me that one can't use keyboard control with slip
formulae that taper off after the peak, if I use a simple flat
limiting it works ok.
(Well sort of works, it still won't slide out with full steering lock
while accelerating from 0.)