wheel using the MS Sidewinder Profiler software. The Saitek wheel
uses the same internal technology as the MS Sidewinder FF wheel... so,
theoretically, one would think its possible. Albeit, the Saitek only
has 6 "buttons" compared to the 8 "buttons on the MS SWFF wheel.
I've tried to "add" the MS SWFF wheel in Control Panel/Game COntrollers
while my Saitek FF wheel was connected. Somehow, Game Controllers
recognized the Saitek as a MS Sidewinder Gamepad, not a SWFF wheel,
which is what I added. Needless to say, nothing worked.
Me thinks that there must be some "device-IDs" buried in the registry
someplace, that allows for identification of MS Sidewinder devices. (If
you have one, then you know that Windows/Game Controllers will
automatically recognize a Sidewinder Device and reconfigure for it).
I found numerous registry keys for the Sidewinder devices at the
following branch in the Windows System Registry:
ateProperties\Joystick\OEM\Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback Wheel
Is anyone out there an experienced "Registry Hacker" that might know how
to hack the registry keys to make Windows "think" the Saitek Wheel is a
MS SWFF Wheel.
Is it could be done, then you could profile the Saitek using the
Sidewinder software.
P.S. Yes, I know I can go buy a real MS wheel... and I would have, if
they had the sense to include a stick shifter along with paddles... And
yes, I know the Saitek pedals absolutely suck, which is why I re-wired
my ThrustMaster T2 pedals to connect to the Saitek wheel... email my
at ereynold-at-c2o-dot-com is you want the details on how to do this.
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Before you buy.