I just got a Saitek R4 FF myself. It looks VERY sturdy. The wheel is
extremely smooth, although I haven't been too impressed with GPL's FF
effects. When you try to apply opposite-lock the wheel "fights" you, and
makes you crash more easily. Other effects are nice though. That said, it
uses Microsoft's FF technology, not Logitech's. Maybe Logitech's is better?
Anyone out there who can compare the two?
The adjustable tension in the pedals is nothing but a gimmick, since I can't
imagine anyone using anything but full tension. Brake pedal is too weak.
The accelerator pedal is just fine, though. And if you stick a raquetball
behind the brake pedal and duct-tape it to the base, it feels awesome! It
sounds cheezy, but I've been using the raquetball for a week, and it shows
no signs of coming loose. I also have to add that the pots in the pedals
are as smooth as can be, which is the most important thing.
The base will slide around a bit. I recommend getting a heavy board and
duct taping it to it. God I love duct tape!
Buttons and shifter knob are just fine, and it has those cool f1 style
paddles. Unfortunately, the paddles seem to be designed for a child, or
someone with extremely short fingers, but once you get used them you won't
keep getting your fingers caught in them.
On the whole, a little disappointing, but I'm content with it, and I think
I'll get lots and lots of use out of it. I also have to add, that I don't
know of any other wheels that don't suffer from many of the same problems I
mentioned. I'm sorry, but I have no idea what I-force is.
> Does any one have one of these Saitek R4 force feedback wheels or
>heard good or bad things about it? I believe this wheel does not use
>I-force , it this a bad thing?
>One thing it does have going for it is that it can have dual axis
>accelerator and brake, and adjustable tension on brake and accelerator.
> I have just decided to get a new wheel as my Trusty Thrusty T1 is
>getting more than just a bit old now, and has had too many repairs and
>mods done to it to be reliable any more.
> Also could someone point me in the direction of other good FF wheels
>with dual axis pedals so i can read reviews and try out at the local
>Games Store.
>Thanks in advance
>Jeff Male