Vista license agreement is a joke


Vista license agreement is a joke

by Garro » Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:54:16

> Just another persons interpretation.  I want to hear from Microsoft what
> their TRUE intentions are here.

> -Larry

The woman quoted in the article is from Microsoft.

Vista license agreement is a joke

by Garro » Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:56:51

> Can you read?  Or is that too much to ask before inserting yourself ass
> first into the conversation?

> Microsoft general manager Shanen Boettcher was the interviewee.  Unless it's
> directly from Bill's mouth it doesn't count?  Sheeeesh....  The interviewer
> has zero to gain and everything to lose by misleading his readers.

> All this whining about Vista is based on BULLSHIT.  If you legally own XP
> and havent had any issues activating it then Vista will ALSO activate
> perfectly.  As MS says the procedure for moving a license is EXATCLY AS XP.
> Why is that so hard to believe/comprehend?

Did you actually read the Vista EULA? It says you can only transfer it
*once* to a new PC. XP EULA doesn't say that so how are they the same? Pull
your head out of your ass before it explodes.

Vista license agreement is a joke

by Mitch. » Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:59:51

This I agree.  MS is way to greedy.  A home PC version of Windows shouldn't
cost more than $50-75.  The over all cost of a decent yet basic PC is
doubled with Vista ultimate.  Not cool at all.  At some point enough money
is enough isnt it?  Or does the cost of the machines overhead demand greed
at the expense of all else?


> Well, primarily, "Making money" of course.   As always - what else would
> you expect?

> Regards, Rudy
> (GPLRank: -27)


Vista license agreement is a joke

by Garro » Wed, 18 Oct 2006 10:01:56

> How do you have XP setup/activated now?  That's how you will activate/run
> Vista.  

I told you I was going to keep doing this until you wake up and smell the

    quote:From past experience with Windows XP, a motherboard swap triggers
a re-activation. I've successfully reactivated the same copy of Windows XP
a number of times after a motherboard swap with no problem. But the above
terms seem to indicate that the third activation will fail, meaning you,
dear reader, get to feed the Microsoft machine more money.

    Or not.

    If anything could be calculated to drive the DIY community away from
Windows, this would be it. As it stands now, reactivating after installing
a new motherboard is a minor pain, but not a big deal. And what about when
you need to swap out a motherboard simply because the hardware failed? Does
that count as well?

    Dwight Silverman, one of the writers for the interviewed Shanen
Boettcher of Microsoft about this topic. According to Silverman, Boettcher
is "very aware of the concerns over the licensing terms."

    *Silverman also noted that Boetther said that Microsoft "doesn't plan
to back away."*

    But Silverman gets it. In his conclusion, he pointed out that the DIY
community are very tech aware and tend to be significant influencers. We'll
just have to see if Microsoft feels the same way.

jason moye

Vista license agreement is a joke

by jason moye » Wed, 18 Oct 2006 12:00:11

> Unless I've missed something, DX10 is no different to DX9. You might
> *want* the pretty new features, but you won't need them (it's not as if
> DX9 games are slow or ugly, after all). There may be a couple of titles
> who are "sponsored" to be DX10-only, but given the cost of Vista, it's
> going to have to be one hell of a game!

Pretty much every major release from 2007 onwards is going to require
DX10, and Vista by association.  That includes Bioshock, Crysis, Alan
Wake, and Halo 2.
Andrew MacPhers

Vista license agreement is a joke

by Andrew MacPhers » Wed, 18 Oct 2006 15:31:00

> Pretty much every major release from 2007 onwards is going
> to require DX10

I don't know about the others, but Crysis doesn't need DX10 (and that's
the only title on the horizon I'm interested in). It'll use it if you've
got DX10, but it's by no means necessary according to everything I've
read. For example...

Andrew McP


Vista license agreement is a joke

by Larr » Thu, 19 Oct 2006 00:36:33

I have officially thrown in the towel.  Bye.


> What happened to me?  What happened to you?  You chimed in on this thread
> and basically said you didn't even read the article yet you somehow twist
> that into me being annoying?  How does anything you said in your reply
> make any sense after reading the article mentioned?  Let me refresh your
> memory with this quote.

>>>>Just another persons interpretation.  I want to hear from Microsoft what
>>>>their TRUE intentions are here.

> This article CLEARLY involves direct quotes FROM A MICROSOFT GM Larry.  Do
> you think it's faked by P.Thurott?  That's a much bigger stretch of the
> imagination than reality allows and anything more on that idea is simply
> unreasonable.

> How do you have XP setup/activated now?  That's how you will activate/run
> Vista.  Ive upgraded my PC countless times since 2002 and reinstalled the
> same version of XP Pro after each upgrade and the only MS requirement was
> call the MS call center in India and go through 5 mins of number hassle.
> That's exactly what you will do with Vista as the procedure is UNCHANGED,
> this was stated directly from an MS rep in the article...

> And that only happens with major upgrades.  Between upgrades I use
> BartPE/DriveImage to create a bootable CD from which you can restore
> Driveimage partition backups.  Works perfect every time and I expect it
> will be patched to work just as well in Vista.

> Mitch

>> Mitch, I don't know what has happened to you, but you've become quite the
>> annoyance of late.

>> I don't know where the guy that I used to enjoy racing with went, but I
>> wish he would come back.

>> -Larry

>>> Can you read?  Or is that too much to ask before inserting yourself ass
>>> first into the conversation?

>>> Microsoft general manager Shanen Boettcher was the interviewee.  Unless
>>> it's directly from Bill's mouth it doesn't count?  Sheeeesh....  The
>>> interviewer has zero to gain and everything to lose by misleading his
>>> readers.

>>> All this whining about Vista is based on BULLSHIT.  If you legally own
>>> XP and havent had any issues activating it then Vista will ALSO activate
>>> perfectly.  As MS says the procedure for moving a license is EXATCLY AS
>>> XP. Why is that so hard to believe/comprehend?

>>> Area51, The Grassy Knoll, Lockness, etc, etc all fit perfectly with your
>>> non-argument....

>>> It's funny to see the same bunch scrambling to post how they won't run
>>> Vista blah blah blah.  Ya know the exact same bunch that ran W98se for
>>> years after XP was released cause it was "good nuff"....  Most kiddies
>>> here can't go any farther back than that LOL..

>>> Who gives a shit if anyone here is going to run Vista or not BUT don't
>>> come around handing out bags of bullshit telling everyone it's gold and
>>> not expect to be called out by the actual truth..

>>> Mitch

>>>> Just another persons interpretation.  I want to hear from Microsoft
>>>> what their TRUE intentions are here.

>>>> -Larry

jason moye

Vista license agreement is a joke

by jason moye » Thu, 19 Oct 2006 07:21:33

> I don't know about the others, but Crysis doesn't need DX10 (and that's
> the only title on the horizon I'm interested in). It'll use it if you've
> got DX10, but it's by no means necessary according to everything I've
> read. For example...

As far as I know, Bioshock will, and that's a game I've been
anticipating for 7 years now (the spiritual successor to System Shock
2).  Eventually developers are going to stop wanting to deal with
legacy code/hardware or will want to use new features in DX10 (or
DX10.2a, or whatever) and you'll find that DX10-required software is
the rule rather than the exception.  It's been that way for every
previous version of DX, and I'd be surprised if it weren't eventually
the case again.

Aside from that, and while I doubt I'll buy Vista until I have DX10
compliant hardware down the road, it would seem like Vista is a pretty
huge leap over the OS/2-based family of Windows OS's with their
inefficient and non-secure bloated kernels and device handling.
Supposedly the goal for the final build of Vista is for Vista's
re-written DX9 and the emulation layers for previous DX's to run faster
under most hardware configurations than they do under XP SP2.  Whether
that's true or marketing drivel I don't know, but I'm really surprised
at the level of negativity Vista has gotten so far when by all accounts
it would seem to be as close to a new OS as microsoft has gotten since
Windows 95.

jason moye

Vista license agreement is a joke

by jason moye » Thu, 19 Oct 2006 07:23:40

> As the article says it's no different than XP.  We (hobbyists) can still
> call support and transfer the license.  MS simply clarified the EULA with
> Vista (and added virtualization).  Personally I trust the author
> P.Thurott(sp?) much more than a ignorant bullshit spreading punk like the
> OP.

Now that I've read the actual changes to the EULA, I have to admit I
don't really see the big deal.  I can't say I've ever purchased an OS
and installed it on more than one computer at a time, and I'm going to
guess that MS will continue to sell site licenses as they've always
jason moye

Vista license agreement is a joke

by jason moye » Thu, 19 Oct 2006 07:27:53

> Yep, it will be time to move away from new games. To be honest, I'm worn out
> by *** right now, having enjoyed *** for over 20 years, so perhaps I'm
> luckier. I'll be looking to the new generation consoles for my *** needs,
> and that wont be including the XBox's.

I dunno if going the console route is the answer, but I find I'm
interested in fewer and fewer games nowadays for any platform.  If it
weren't for simulators, classic franchises (i.e. Civilization IV or
something), and the odd gem I doubt I'd still play anything.  I'm not
sure if that's because I'm hitting 30 soon or because it seems like
fewer and fewer games are targeted at ***s.

Vista license agreement is a joke

by Garro » Thu, 19 Oct 2006 07:57:13

Maybe it dosn't affect you but it does affect other people. Retail XP EULA
doesn't say that you can only transfer it once, Vista EULA does so Vista
EULA is not just a clarifiation of XP EULA as Microsoft claims, it is  a
major negative change for many people. Hardware enthusiasts may be only 5%
but that 5% amounts to millions of users.

jason moye

Vista license agreement is a joke

by jason moye » Thu, 19 Oct 2006 13:24:34

> Maybe it dosn't affect you but it does affect other people. Retail XP EULA
> doesn't say that you can only transfer it once, Vista EULA does so

Nothing in the part of the EULA you quoted indicates that:

As far as I can tell, that just means each license of Vista can be
installed on one machine at a time.  Which is pretty much the norm
AFAIK for software licenses.

Andrew MacPhers

Vista license agreement is a joke

by Andrew MacPhers » Thu, 19 Oct 2006 14:41:00

> the spiritual successor to System Shock2

I loved SS1 but disliked SS2, so I'm not holding my breath on that one.

And Vista is obviously different. The 2.6Gb download tells you that. ;-)

Andrew McP


Vista license agreement is a joke

by Garro » Thu, 19 Oct 2006 21:59:29

I suggest you go read the Vista EULA that was posted to the web by
Microsoft. It clearly states that you can only tranfer Vista to a new PC

Byron Forbe

Vista license agreement is a joke

by Byron Forbe » Fri, 20 Oct 2006 00:32:12

>> Yep, it will be time to move away from new games. To be honest, I'm worn
>> out
>> by *** right now, having enjoyed *** for over 20 years, so perhaps
>> I'm
>> luckier. I'll be looking to the new generation consoles for my ***
>> needs,
>> and that wont be including the XBox's.

> I dunno if going the console route is the answer, but I find I'm
> interested in fewer and fewer games nowadays for any platform.  If it
> weren't for simulators, classic franchises (i.e. Civilization IV or
> something), and the odd gem I doubt I'd still play anything.  I'm not
> sure if that's because I'm hitting 30 soon or because it seems like
> fewer and fewer games are targeted at ***s.

    It's mainly a "been there and done that" thing along with a host of
highly unspectacular and non revolutionary titles. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.