Heya Edward. If you want better help, create a newsgroup server called
"localnews.ten.net" and subscribe to the TEN.games.simulations.nascar
newsgroup. There's about 100message per day there and it's THE place for
NROS discussion ;)
You can type by pressing "T", typing your message and after pressing enter
to send it. Some people developped the skill of typing and racing at the
same time, but it's recommanded to only chat while your in the pits because
of the risk of those maneuvers ;)
No it's not nessecary. About nobody does this, but normally always say when
you exit the pits with your Autochat messages (CTRL + Fxx).
Yes and no. You can paint the cars to what you want (always keep the good
car numbers), but it doesn't mean you will always be in the car you want to.
They are assigned by the entry of people, so if your the 15th car to enter
you will be assigned with the 15th car in the list. It's a little more
complicated because of people exiting/boots, etc...
Yes as I said it's better to do so. Also always exit the pits staying on
the apron of the track until after the turn.
It's a series of macros that you have in a file called autochat.msg in your
Nascar2 folder. To use them as I said press Control + the Fxx keys. To edit
them open "autochat.msg" with notepad, but always save it as a *.msg not a
txt file.
There's some level of driver skill on the NROS. Pickup races as you did
have mostly bad drivers who don't have much skills and thus create wrecks.
By winning against those easy fields (normally 0-15 skill races) you will
move up skill and rank and access to better drivers.
The best thing is to check out the LPI of the people (right-click on their
names in the "Who's here" list). If it's under 20, watch out they aren't
really safe. A good LPI (laps per incident) is normally above 30-35.
-= Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard/Nas-Frank>
-= NROS Nascar sanctioned Guide http://www.racesimcentral.net/
-= SimRacing Online http://www.racesimcentral.net/