Grand Prix Legends questions


Grand Prix Legends questions

by Ja » Wed, 05 May 1999 04:00:00


I have a couple questions about Grand Prix Legends.   Right now I'm using a
4-button joystick, 2 buttons for gas and brake.   I also have to use automatic
shifting.   I wish I could use a steering wheel with pedals, but unfortunately I
cannot because of a disability.   I am constantly getting out-accelerated and
out-braked in online races.   I was wondering if there was any way to adjust the
automatic shifting, so that the computer doesn't let off the gas as much during
a shift.   I have viewed replays of the fast drivers, they barely let off the
gas, because they can use the clutch with manual shifting.   I could probably
make up some time if I could cut down the delay during a shift.

I was also wondering if there was a way for me to decrease the braking distance
(either via setup or something else), even though I use a button instead of a
foot pedal.   Any help would be appreciated.   Thanks.

Michael Gilbert


Grand Prix Legends questions

by Driver » Wed, 05 May 1999 04:00:00

Have you thought about a wheel with paddle shifters? That way you could
shift with the paddles, and use the buttons on the wheel for gas and brake.
Of course you would not use the gas brake peddles on the base. Theres
nothing quite like shifting your own gears in GPL. I can't imagine playing
it with the auto. It would take most of the fun out of it.


>I have a couple questions about Grand Prix Legends.   Right now I'm using a
>4-button joystick, 2 buttons for gas and brake.   I also have to use
>shifting.   I wish I could use a steering wheel with pedals, but
unfortunately I
>cannot because of a disability.   I am constantly getting out-accelerated
>out-braked in online races.   I was wondering if there was any way to
adjust the
>automatic shifting, so that the computer doesn't let off the gas as much
>a shift.   I have viewed replays of the fast drivers, they barely let off
>gas, because they can use the clutch with manual shifting.   I could
>make up some time if I could cut down the delay during a shift.

>I was also wondering if there was a way for me to decrease the braking
>(either via setup or something else), even though I use a button instead of
>foot pedal.   Any help would be appreciated.   Thanks.

>Michael Gilbert

5th Docto

Grand Prix Legends questions

by 5th Docto » Wed, 05 May 1999 04:00:00

Hey Mike,
First, you may shift for yourself without using a clutch.  Select manual
shift, and assign a button for shift up and a button for shift down.  You
will have to lift of the gas a bit when up shifting,  and you won't have to
work a clutch to use it.  Autoshift will slow you down, shift for yourself,
it's easier than you think.
Second, you really need some kind of axis to work gas and brake for GPL. I
cant imagine driving with on/off gas and brake, If you can do a lap using
buttons for gas and brake, then your a better driver than I.
I had a Thrustmaster GP1 wheel, with the paddles behind the wheel.  It
worked well for months, till the wife got me a Nascar Pro.  Anyway, if you
had an axis for gas and brake, you could modulate the gas and brake and
decrease your stopping distance, and power through turns easier than you
could with buttons.


>I have a couple questions about Grand Prix Legends.   Right now I'm using a
>4-button joystick, 2 buttons for gas and brake.   I also have to use
>shifting.   I wish I could use a steering wheel with pedals, but
unfortunately I
>cannot because of a disability.   I am constantly getting out-accelerated
>out-braked in online races.   I was wondering if there was any way to
adjust the
>automatic shifting, so that the computer doesn't let off the gas as much
>a shift.   I have viewed replays of the fast drivers, they barely let off
>gas, because they can use the clutch with manual shifting.   I could
>make up some time if I could cut down the delay during a shift.

>I was also wondering if there was a way for me to decrease the braking
>(either via setup or something else), even though I use a button instead of
>foot pedal.   Any help would be appreciated.   Thanks.

>Michael Gilbert

Phil Branfor

Grand Prix Legends questions

by Phil Branfor » Thu, 06 May 1999 04:00:00

If you can't use foot peddles you should think about getting a wheel with
analogue paddles.

I have a thrustmaster formula sprint and find the car is actually easier to
control using the paddles than it is using the peddles.

You get two paddles either side of the wheel, the same as those used for
changing gear in a modern F1 car, but rather than just buttons they act as
an analogue channel, giving you as much control as you want using one paddle
for accellerator and one paddle for brake.

Also the wheel has four buttons on the front, which do just fine for gear
changing, with a couple spare for look right and left, or what ever takes
your fancy.

Hope this helps



>I have a couple questions about Grand Prix Legends.   Right now I'm using a
>4-button joystick, 2 buttons for gas and brake.   I also have to use
>shifting.   I wish I could use a steering wheel with pedals, but
unfortunately I
>cannot because of a disability.   I am constantly getting out-accelerated
>out-braked in online races.   I was wondering if there was any way to
adjust the
>automatic shifting, so that the computer doesn't let off the gas as much
>a shift.   I have viewed replays of the fast drivers, they barely let off
>gas, because they can use the clutch with manual shifting.   I could
>make up some time if I could cut down the delay during a shift.

>I was also wondering if there was a way for me to decrease the braking
>(either via setup or something else), even though I use a button instead of
>foot pedal.   Any help would be appreciated.   Thanks.

>Michael Gilbert

Tim Wheatle

Grand Prix Legends questions

by Tim Wheatle » Thu, 06 May 1999 04:00:00

If you do manage to find a way of using manual gears, you'll gain 2secs
EVERYWHERE, i did, i slowly started to learn manual for each track, then got
faster and faster, manual gears make a HUGE difference.

Tim "Calm Down" Wheatley

                                  Tim Wheatley
                "Yellow menacing helmet in the mirror"
     IGPS - Ferrari Challenge - UKGPL - Summer Cup Driver


> Hello,

> I have a couple questions about Grand Prix Legends.   Right now I'm using
> 4-button joystick, 2 buttons for gas and brake.   I also have to use
> shifting.   I wish I could use a steering wheel with pedals, but
unfortunately I
> cannot because of a disability.   I am constantly getting out-accelerated
> out-braked in online races.   I was wondering if there was any way to
adjust the
> automatic shifting, so that the computer doesn't let off the gas as much
> a shift.   I have viewed replays of the fast drivers, they barely let off
> gas, because they can use the clutch with manual shifting.   I could
> make up some time if I could cut down the delay during a shift.

> I was also wondering if there was a way for me to decrease the braking
> (either via setup or something else), even though I use a button instead
of a
> foot pedal.   Any help would be appreciated.   Thanks.

> Michael Gilbert

Rob Adla

Grand Prix Legends questions

by Rob Adla » Thu, 06 May 1999 04:00:00

  Manual gear shifting makes a MASSIVE difference to times!



>Have you thought about a wheel with paddle shifters? That way you could
>shift with the paddles, and use the buttons on the wheel for gas and brake.
>Of course you would not use the gas brake peddles on the base. Theres
>nothing quite like shifting your own gears in GPL. I can't imagine playing
>it with the auto. It would take most of the fun out of it.


>>I have a couple questions about Grand Prix Legends.   Right now I'm using
>>4-button joystick, 2 buttons for gas and brake.   I also have to use
>>shifting.   I wish I could use a steering wheel with pedals, but
>unfortunately I
>>cannot because of a disability.   I am constantly getting out-accelerated
>>out-braked in online races.   I was wondering if there was any way to
>adjust the
>>automatic shifting, so that the computer doesn't let off the gas as much
>>a shift.   I have viewed replays of the fast drivers, they barely let off
>>gas, because they can use the clutch with manual shifting.   I could
>>make up some time if I could cut down the delay during a shift.

>>I was also wondering if there was a way for me to decrease the braking
>>(either via setup or something else), even though I use a button instead
>>foot pedal.   Any help would be appreciated.   Thanks.

>>Michael Gilbert


Grand Prix Legends questions

by Rand » Thu, 06 May 1999 04:00:00

According to a post from Randy C., if you use a button for brake and
throttle it is just the same as using brake help and throttle help.
Since you can not modulate a button, GPL automatically uses the helps
even if you do not have them checked in the options. Since the "helps"
are designed so as to not give optimal performance, your times will


>Hey Mike,
>First, you may shift for yourself without using a clutch.  Select manual
>shift, and assign a button for shift up and a button for shift down.  You
>will have to lift of the gas a bit when up shifting,  and you won't have to
>work a clutch to use it.  Autoshift will slow you down, shift for yourself,
>it's easier than you think.
>Second, you really need some kind of axis to work gas and brake for GPL. I
>cant imagine driving with on/off gas and brake, If you can do a lap using
>buttons for gas and brake, then your a better driver than I.
>I had a Thrustmaster GP1 wheel, with the paddles behind the wheel.  It
>worked well for months, till the wife got me a Nascar Pro.  Anyway, if you
>had an axis for gas and brake, you could modulate the gas and brake and
>decrease your stopping distance, and power through turns easier than you
>could with buttons.


>>I have a couple questions about Grand Prix Legends.   Right now I'm using a
>>4-button joystick, 2 buttons for gas and brake.   I also have to use
>>shifting.   I wish I could use a steering wheel with pedals, but
>unfortunately I
>>cannot because of a disability.   I am constantly getting out-accelerated
>>out-braked in online races.   I was wondering if there was any way to
>adjust the
>>automatic shifting, so that the computer doesn't let off the gas as much
>>a shift.   I have viewed replays of the fast drivers, they barely let off
>>gas, because they can use the clutch with manual shifting.   I could
>>make up some time if I could cut down the delay during a shift.

>>I was also wondering if there was a way for me to decrease the braking
>>(either via setup or something else), even though I use a button instead of
>>foot pedal.   Any help would be appreciated.   Thanks.

>>Michael Gilbert

To email me remove the "u"s

Grand Prix Legends questions

by Leon » Thu, 06 May 1999 04:00:00


could you MODERATE the brake and gas
using the paddles ? just like you could with the peddles

From some of the wheels I have seen, paddles feels like an
button with no in-between.

| If you can't use foot peddles you should think about
getting a wheel with
| analogue paddles.
| I have a thrustmaster formula sprint and find the car is
actually easier to
| control using the paddles than it is using the peddles.
| You get two paddles either side of the wheel, the same as
those used for
| changing gear in a modern F1 car, but rather than just
buttons they act as
| an analogue channel, giving you as much control as you
want using one paddle
| for accellerator and one paddle for brake.
| Also the wheel has four buttons on the front, which do
just fine for gear
| changing, with a couple spare for look right and left, or
what ever takes
| your fancy.
| Hope this helps
| Phil

| >Hello,
| >
| >I have a couple questions about Grand Prix Legends.  
Right now I'm using a
| >4-button joystick, 2 buttons for gas and brake.   I also
have to use
| automatic
| >shifting.   I wish I could use a steering wheel with
pedals, but
| unfortunately I
| >cannot because of a disability.   I am constantly
getting out-accelerated
| and
| >out-braked in online races.   I was wondering if there
was any way to
| adjust the
| >automatic shifting, so that the computer doesn't let off
the gas as much
| during
| >a shift.   I have viewed replays of the fast drivers,
they barely let off
| the
| >gas, because they can use the clutch with manual
shifting.   I could
| probably
| >make up some time if I could cut down the delay during a
| >
| >I was also wondering if there was a way for me to
decrease the braking
| distance
| >(either via setup or something else), even though I use
a button instead of
| a
| >foot pedal.   Any help would be appreciated.   Thanks.
| >
| >Michael Gilbert

| >

Andy Jone

Grand Prix Legends questions

by Andy Jone » Thu, 06 May 1999 04:00:00

Yes, with the TM sprint you get proper analogue control. Split axis for
the gas/brake as well.


> Hi

> could you MODERATE the brake and gas
> using the paddles ? just like you could with the peddles

> From some of the wheels I have seen, paddles feels like an
> on-off
> button with no in-between.

> | If you can't use foot peddles you should think about
> getting a wheel with
> | analogue paddles.
> |
> | I have a thrustmaster formula sprint and find the car is
> actually easier to
> | control using the paddles than it is using the peddles.
> |
> | You get two paddles either side of the wheel, the same as
> those used for
> | changing gear in a modern F1 car, but rather than just
> buttons they act as
> | an analogue channel, giving you as much control as you
> want using one paddle
> | for accellerator and one paddle for brake.
> |
> | Also the wheel has four buttons on the front, which do
> just fine for gear
> | changing, with a couple spare for look right and left, or
> what ever takes
> | your fancy.
> |
> | Hope this helps
> |
> | Phil
> |

> | >Hello,
> | >
> | >I have a couple questions about Grand Prix Legends.
> Right now I'm using a
> | >4-button joystick, 2 buttons for gas and brake.   I also
> have to use
> | automatic
> | >shifting.   I wish I could use a steering wheel with
> pedals, but
> | unfortunately I
> | >cannot because of a disability.   I am constantly
> getting out-accelerated
> | and
> | >out-braked in online races.   I was wondering if there
> was any way to
> | adjust the
> | >automatic shifting, so that the computer doesn't let off
> the gas as much
> | during
> | >a shift.   I have viewed replays of the fast drivers,
> they barely let off
> | the
> | >gas, because they can use the clutch with manual
> shifting.   I could
> | probably
> | >make up some time if I could cut down the delay during a
> shift.
> | >
> | >I was also wondering if there was a way for me to
> decrease the braking
> | distance
> | >(either via setup or something else), even though I use
> a button instead of
> | a
> | >foot pedal.   Any help would be appreciated.   Thanks.
> | >
> | >Michael Gilbert

> | >
> |
> |
> |

Toni Lassi

Grand Prix Legends questions

by Toni Lassi » Thu, 06 May 1999 04:00:00

How do you get this implemented in the game? I still get only gas or
brake at one time even if I press both.

Andy Jone

Grand Prix Legends questions

by Andy Jone » Thu, 06 May 1999 04:00:00

The TM sprint altogether has 4 axes - one for steering, one for the left
paddle, one for the right paddle, one for the pedals.

I've configured with my PDPI gamecard as a [L4]Nascar Pro Split and with
this setting (and possibly without this setting !) The 4 Sprint axes all
show up separately in the GPL calibration window.

You then assign them to the controls in the normal way.

This certainly works for me - I can now use Gas + brake at appropriate
times as a stabilising factor. I'm not going much faster than I was

less of the scenery at close quarters !


> >Yes, with the TM sprint you get proper analogue control. Split axis for
> >the gas/brake as well.

> How do you get this implemented in the game? I still get only gas or
> brake at one time even if I press both.


Grand Prix Legends questions

by ^Frett » Thu, 06 May 1999 04:00:00

Toni; You shouldnt! Press on the gas in neutral & then put it in 1st
then press on the gas and brake. The gas rpms should go up but it
will hold the rpms down a little until you let the brake go! If it does
not happen something is set wrong in Gpl. Also you should have 3
axis in your calibrate in options. I use generic though!
Cheers... Thom_j.

> >Yes, with the TM sprint you get proper analogue control. Split axis for
> >the gas/brake as well.

> How do you get this implemented in the game? I still get only gas or
> brake at one time even if I press both.

< 1K Download

Grand Prix Legends questions

by hime » Thu, 06 May 1999 04:00:00


I can only assume that you may be limited to just one hand to play this game.  If
that is indeed the case, configure your joystick so the left/right axis is steering
and the forward/backward axis is accelerate/brake.  Without a graduated control for
acceleration and braking you will always be out done in these areas.  I have played
GPL with such a configuration, and it takes an incredible amount of practice to
become proficient, but it can be done, to the point of being on an equal footing
with  wheel/pedal drivers.  The clutch is nothing to worry about, forget it, it
really is only useful for starts, which you can master without a clutch, again, with
much practice.  To the best of my knowledge, NO drivers use the clutch when shifting
gears.  (Feedback on that is welcome)  My final suggestion would be to purchase a
joystick with a hat switch which you could assign to the shift up/down duties.  This
is a much simpler way of shifting gears than trying to keep track of two separate
buttons.  You will have to back off the gas with the joystick when shifting or you
are sure to blow motors, even on the short races.  The trick here is to do your
shifting when the car is travelling in a straight line.  Having to wrestle with the
combination of easing back the joystick, turning a corner and hitting the proper
shift buttons all at once will likely cause disaster.  Once again, with practice you
can be in the correct gear for the corner before you reach the corner, and all
you'll have to worry about is acceleration and steering at that point.

To the best of my knowledge there is no way to reduce braking distances via setup.
I have found, however, while hot lapping, that with enough practice (again!) you can
pick braking points for a given track where you simply lock up the wheels at the
right place, release the brakes at the right place, and you slide through the corner
just fine.  While this works well when stiving for the ultimate hotlap, it may prove
difficult to do consistently when racing.

Hope all this babbling has been of some help.  Best of luck, and remember, practice,
practice, practice.


> Hello,

> I have a couple questions about Grand Prix Legends.   Right now I'm using a
> 4-button joystick, 2 buttons for gas and brake.   I also have to use automatic
> shifting.   I wish I could use a steering wheel with pedals, but unfortunately I
> cannot because of a disability.   I am constantly getting out-accelerated and
> out-braked in online races.   I was wondering if there was any way to adjust the
> automatic shifting, so that the computer doesn't let off the gas as much during
> a shift.   I have viewed replays of the fast drivers, they barely let off the
> gas, because they can use the clutch with manual shifting.   I could probably
> make up some time if I could cut down the delay during a shift.

> I was also wondering if there was a way for me to decrease the braking distance
> (either via setup or something else), even though I use a button instead of a
> foot pedal.   Any help would be appreciated.   Thanks.

> Michael Gilbert

Don't let the bastards grind you down.
Doug Schneider
Bedford, Nova Scotia
Marko Viitane

Grand Prix Legends questions

by Marko Viitane » Fri, 07 May 1999 04:00:00

Seems like you don't have split axis? Because it sure doesn't  hold rpms
down if you brake. That's what split axis is, you can give high rpms AND
brake at the same time, they are not in the same axis.

With split axis, you can brake fully, give rpms exactly as much as you like
when you are in the starting grid.

To test if you have split axis:

Drive with 1st or 2nd gear in Monza, at main straight. Then press throttle
as much as you can, then brake a bit more and more, so that your front
wheels will lock. If you have split axis, then you can go forward with
with power in your rear tires, but at the same time, you can keep your front
tires still locked.

Here's example of a start with split axis:

Press brake full, press clutch, hit gear to 1st, press throttle to optimum
revs, just before the start, stop pressing brake. Now only throttle and
clutch are pressed. when you have green, just let clutch go and give just
a bit more throttle. That's it.

You must select split axis from your windows first, before going to game.
After that, the game will detect it and suggests calibration.

>Toni; You shouldnt! Press on the gas in neutral & then put it in 1st
>then press on the gas and brake. The gas rpms should go up but it
>will hold the rpms down a little until you let the brake go! If it does
>not happen something is set wrong in Gpl. Also you should have 3
>axis in your calibrate in options. I use generic though!
>Cheers... Thom_j.

>> >Yes, with the TM sprint you get proper analogue control. Split axis for
>> >the gas/brake as well.

>> How do you get this implemented in the game? I still get only gas or
>> brake at one time even if I press both.

Toni Lassi

Grand Prix Legends questions

by Toni Lassi » Fri, 07 May 1999 04:00:00

It works now. I suggest you see my post on fixing the TM Sprint axis

Don't use generic. By using the NASCAR Pro drivers you get accurate
DirectX support for dual-axis paddles. It works! is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.