How to uninstall DX8.1 ?!


How to uninstall DX8.1 ?!

by Verne » Sun, 01 Dec 2002 03:47:02

Hey all. I am hoping I have found my problem with those "gremlins" I
discovered after upgrading the CPU.....reformat and all. It MAY be a ram
stick.......I am going to pop it in by itself later and run "memtest"...see
what happens. ANYWAY, I installed directX 8.1 after my reformat and now I
find F12K1 (haven't tried 2K2 yet0 will NOT run. The config screen tells me
I am running 8.1 but the text tells me it can't find any directx 8 video
adapters. Soooooooooo, how do I uninstall DX8.1 and put in DX8 ??!!!   I
HAAAAAAAAAAVE the get this working for the SCpack, FIAGTv3 and the ALMOST



How to uninstall DX8.1 ?!

by Haqsa » Sun, 01 Dec 2002 06:05:57

I had that problem and it turned out to be video drivers, not a DX8.1
problem.  I don't have F1 2001 on my hard drive anymore, but the problem
you describe is the same as the one I was having with F1 2002.  Are you
using an nVidia card?  The 40.xx drivers caused this problem for me, as
well as several others, mostly related to FSAA modes.  So I went back to
the 30.82 drivers and all is well.  F1 2002 works fine with DX8.1 and
all FSAA modes are supported.

Dave Henri

How to uninstall DX8.1 ?!

by Dave Henri » Sun, 01 Dec 2002 14:18:34

   run dxdiag and see if directx is turned off.  The buttons are
counter-intuitive(that THAT RAS!)  If the button says enable, then DirectX
is off.  Because if you push the Enable button it ENABLEs directX.  How do
you know directX is working?  The button says Disable.(clear?)
dave henrie

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How to uninstall DX8.1 ?!

by kenf » Wed, 04 Dec 2002 20:19:07

I had the same message in the config screen.
I went to dxdiag and on the Display tab Direct 3D Acceleration  showed
as enabled and the button showed "Disable".
When I clicked on the button it said "This will enable Direct 3D
acceleration". So I clicked OK.
On going back to the config for F1 2001 it now was OK and showed my
Video Card in the box at the bottom.
This tip was given to me by another poster on this site.
Give it a try!
Apparently this is a bug in some installations of DirectX 8.1.
Hope this helps
Ken Fairbanks

>> Hey all. I am hoping I have found my problem with those "gremlins" I
>> discovered after upgrading the CPU.....reformat and all. It MAY be a ram
>> stick.......I am going to pop it in by itself later and run
>> what happens. ANYWAY, I installed directX 8.1 after my reformat and now I
>> find F12K1 (haven't tried 2K2 yet0 will NOT run. The config screen tells
>> I am running 8.1 but the text tells me it can't find any directx 8 video
>> adapters. Soooooooooo, how do I uninstall DX8.1 and put in DX8 ??!!!   I
>> HAAAAAAAAAAVE the get this working for the SCpack, FIAGTv3 and the ALMOST
>> HERE  GTR2002 !!!      HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP !!!!!!!!!

>>                                 TIA....Verne

>   run dxdiag and see if directx is turned off.  The buttons are
>counter-intuitive(that THAT RAS!)  If the button says enable, then DirectX
>is off.  Because if you push the Enable button it ENABLEs directX.  How do
>you know directX is working?  The button says Disable.(clear?)
>dave henrie

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