two year old GPL
graphics engine. Why all the worry about what cpu and video card will be
required to run it?
While what I've seen of the graphics look EXCELLENT, they are not going to
be in the same
class as the, by then, one year old RC 2000 and SBK 2000 graphics. Those two
graphic engines are in a class of their own. WSC will likely join them. It
won't look as nice as GP 500 either.
You should be able to run GPL right now (still choppy at the start) with a
full field of 19 AI with a P500 and V3. I'm sure the updated graphics engine
runs faster than GPL's. Even with adding another 20 AI (drawing 15), I'll
bet Andre's ovaries that N4 will run fine with a P800 and V3/TNT2.
I don't think a NASCAR size field of cars is possible with graphics as rich
and photo-realistic as in RC 2000/SBK 2000 so this is not a criticism (relax
Papy worshipers). The graphics will look great, but I think all the
speculation about cpu's and graphics cards in other threads has gone a bit
overboard. What do you think they're using right now at the Papyrus offices
to develope the game?
Actually, I think N4's graphics will rate (not far though) below RC2000,
SBK 2000, GP3, WSC
, GP 500, NFS PU,
, 4 x 4 Evolution, and Motocross Madness 2. N4 won't be the sim which best
shows the differences between a V5 or GeForce-2, so either one will probably
be fine. N4 will look GREAT, but very similiar to GPL, and about as good as
can be expected in a sim with such a huge field of opponents. Just not as
good as the sims mentioned above. It won't need a 2Ghz and GeForce 7 to run
it like some are speculating.
As for the D3D/3dfx debate, it doesn't exist anymore, and hasn't for awhile.
D3D proved it's superiority with RC 2000 and SBK 2000. There's no need for
Papyrus or any other developer to waste time writing a 3dfx version of their
David G Fisher