There isn't a post in my newsreaders 'Sent' folder so I guess I didn't.
I recently added a new 8 gig, partitioned hard drive to my 133 Mhz system.
Ever since this change I have noticed getting single digit frame rates with
ICR2. Obviously this makes the game unplayable. I have 32 megs of RAM and
am working under Windows 95 still. We kept the old 1.6 gig hard drive with
the system. The boot drive is a partition of the 8 gig drive.
When I look under 'Performance' in the System folder from the Control Panel
I notice that my 'System Resources' are 46% free while I am on the internet
with several windows open and usually settles down to 85% when I have
nothing running at all. Whenever I play the game I have nothing but it
When we added hard drives I noticed that some things that had deleted
before reappeared. Apparently the technicians reinstalled some of the
software. The thing that has my attention is a few programs that come with
Microsoft Office 97. When I press Ctrl + Alt + Del I notice that two
programs in particular are running in the background. They are 'Findfast'
and 'OSA'. Any ideas on what these are? I think they are related to
Office 97. How do I delete these and also how do I delete the 'Startup'
folder from the start menu without compromising my system.
Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do? Before the new hard drive I
had frame rates in the 16-18 range and sometimes it would reach the 20's.
Thanks for reading this wordy post,