Hi there,
This is my setup,
Pentium 133,
32mb edo ram,
8x cd drive etc,etc
and a very basic trident graphics card. Knowing that my graphics card
was probably letting me down I upgraded to the ET6000 based Grafixstar
600, running normal benchmark tests the card flew compared to the old
trident. I then booted up the great F1GP2 and compared my old
framerate of 8.8, with the new one of 9.6, a fantastic increase of 0.8
(These framerates was with all the detail switched on)
I tried a number of windows and dos games and could not see any
noticeable improvement.
So unless I`m working with spreadsheets, CAD or paint packages I can
see no use for a new graphics card and the only way to increase
framerates is a processor upgrade (raw power).
Have you had any similar experiences?
Or have you any comments?
BTW I am using the correct video display drivers.
Best regards,
-If it ain`t broke don`t fix it-