OverRated Sim"s and Games.

Richard Carls

OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by Richard Carls » Sat, 01 Feb 1997 04:00:00

PCGamer is a BS magazine, lots of fluff and very little usable info.
I doubt if PCG plays a game more than a few times before "reviewing"
The only decent mass-market mags are CGW and Strategy Plus. IMHO.


AWDIWO Racing Inc. Pty. Ltd. Etc.

"Anything worth doing is worth overdoing"

Mr Bil

OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by Mr Bil » Mon, 03 Feb 1997 04:00:00

Reading the review of GP2 in PC gamer. Those guys gave it a 95% rating!!!!
Said " It is the most advanced sim to date". Among other stupid comments.
As hardware goes they recommend a P-100. hehe, Duuuu.
I have noticed that this mag overrates MANY games and hardware for fear of
their Advertisers I suppose. Also some of these mags are owned by game
Most Game Mag's are guilty of this Overrating policy so don't trust what
you read.
Next Generation Mag seems to stand out from this I think.
I am sick of being ripped off as are many millions of others.
Time to boycott?


OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by SimRaci » Mon, 03 Feb 1997 04:00:00

I'm not one to judge whether PC Gamer's crew can hit the mark
or not, but I can assure you that GP2 does run well on a P100
using a Diamond Stealth 64...The game performs even better
since the installstion of a Rendition card...not much better, but
a little.

Best Regards,


Marc J. Nelson
Sim Racing News - USA

Matthew Lewi

OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by Matthew Lewi » Mon, 03 Feb 1997 04:00:00

> Reading the review of GP2 in PC gamer. Those guys gave it a 95% rating!!!!
> Said " It is the most advanced sim to date". Among other stupid comments.
> As hardware goes they recommend a P-100. hehe, Duuuu.
> I have noticed that this mag overrates MANY games and hardware for fear of
> losing
> their Advertisers I suppose. Also some of these mags are owned by game
> companies.

From my experience reading PC Gamer and Computer *** World, PC Gamer
provides reviews that are slightly less objective and slightly more
emotionally biased reviews.  CGW provides the most objective and
scientific game reviews.  So...  this is not necessarily a bad thing.
PC Gamer tells me if I may have a strong reaction to a game and say to
myself "This is a truly killer game..."  while CGW tells me if a game
has all the proper components, polish, and groundbreaking features to be
a great game.  The reviews are totally different oftentimes and I, for
one, appreciate differing perspectives.  BTW, CGW has given five stars
to games that are no longer on my harddrive because I never got hooked
on them.  PC Gamer often tells me if I can get really hooked on a game
totally based solely on esthetic merit.

Don't badmouth PC Gamer because you don't agree with some of their
reviews.  Remember that a game review is only one person's personal
opinion.  And opinions are opinions.

I don't think PC Gamer breaches ethics to maintain advertising.  This
magazine is such a major player in the *** world that it doesn't have
Matt Lewis

Terje Wold Johanse

OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by Terje Wold Johanse » Mon, 03 Feb 1997 04:00:00

> Reading the review of GP2 in PC gamer. Those guys gave it a 95% rating!!!!
> Said " It is the most advanced sim to date". Among other stupid comments.

You seem to have all the inside information necessary to make an
authoritative analysis. So what's the most advanced sim out there,

Maybe you are sick for no apparent reason, you know, _just_ sick?
I'll bet there are millions out there in a similar situation, as you so
profoundly implied. One never knows.

Terje Wold Johansen   --- "I am your inferior superior" - O.W. ---

Dave Bower

OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by Dave Bower » Tue, 04 Feb 1997 04:00:00

GP2 works fine with my P90. I dont drive in SVGA but I can get 23fps in
VGA with all but sky detail on!
I reckon PC Gamer over rated it because they had a prerelease copy, and
were told it would feature weather and IPX support. Because of this they
had to kind of estimate a score, and to be honest, if it had weather and
IPX I'd have given it 95%!!

Dave Bowers


OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by TOlson94 » Tue, 04 Feb 1997 04:00:00

They used to be my favorite magazine, but lately I've also noticed that PC
Gamer isn't doing a very good job. The amount of adverti***t is
increasing, while the number of good reviews and usable info is
decreasing. They are even getting lazy with their demo CD's.

David Gar

OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by David Gar » Wed, 05 Feb 1997 04:00:00

> >Reading the review of GP2 in PC gamer. Those guys gave it a 95% rating!!!!
> >Said " It is the most advanced sim to date". Among other stupid comments.
> >As hardware goes they recommend a P-100. hehe, Duuuu.
> >I have noticed that this mag overrates MANY games and hardware for fear of
> >losing
> >their Advertisers I suppose.

This is exactly why people really should wait after the sim has already
come out
and read the news group before buying any new sim. Your exactly right
PC gamer is making a killing off of their advertisments, hell their
whole magazine is
one big catalog for advertisments! Its a disapointment when a great
magazine goes to shit
because someone in management or maybe event the marketing director
wants a new Lexus.
PC gamer used to be great, but now for the past year their magazine has
gotten full of
adverti***ts, some of which we see over and over. Arent catalogs are
usually made free to the
public?! After seeing how many pages of advertising and how bias the
reviews are getting.
Ill stick to the smaller magazine companies to get the "real" scoop. I
read that review
on GP2 and I just cant see how in the hell some reviewer gave this sim
that kinda score!
I wonder if it has something to do with the size of Microprose's
bank-account. How can
you review something thats as incomplete as GP2 and then even give it
any rating, much
less a 95%?!! Again we're in a day and age where money talks and the
"truth" walks!
The bullshit really smells when you uncover it! Well heres my review to
the "reviewer"
at PC gamer: a flat ***ing %0

Thought for the day: Grab the CD that comes with PC gamer and stick it
in the sleeve of a magazine that doesnt kiss ass to their advertisers.
Then you'll have your moneys worth.

> GP2 works fine with my P90. I dont drive in SVGA but I can get 23fps in
> VGA with all but sky detail on!
> I reckon PC Gamer over rated it because they had a prerelease copy, and
> were told it would feature weather and IPX support. Because of this they
> had to kind of estimate a score, and to be honest, if it had weather and
> IPX I'd have given it 95%!!

> --
> Dave Bowers

Sorry Dave,
but the majority of guys that  spent a couple of grand on a pent comp,
dont settle for VGA.
All the other sims run fine on anything higher that a p100 and GP2 runs
shit in SVGA. Either way we're in a day and age of SVGA. If you dont
mind the way VGA
looks then go out and get yourself a Playstation. Their a hell of a lot



OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by GSXR » Wed, 05 Feb 1997 04:00:00

To M.David Gary and M.Aw'Cmon? and everyone that is complaining about a
simulation called GP2.

I got a question to ask you!

1st Are you always complaining about every little things in life?
2nd Instead of saying I am frustrated because my 3000$ pentium can't
take the load and
those BIG companies have the OBLIGATION to GIVE me the simulation I ever
Why not thinking about some overclocking?
Why not talking about the AI of GP2?
The real problem is that M.Gary is very frustrated because he bought a
computer and he
can not run every F****** games that exist with full load graphics.
You should know that the 1st day you bought your PC it was already
obsolete and that is
life TOUGH LUCK!!!
I'm not saying that GP2 is perfect it is not but there's no other
competitive F1 sims
on the market right now and for the others like NFS,Screamers the AI is
to arcadish and
for Icr,Icr2 and N2 it's to often straight turn left straight turn left
and so on.

We all know the goods and bads of GP2 but I could tell you that I got
all those sims and
the one that I got the most fun of is GP2 because it gots the best
AI,Graphics and also
this one is going to live long (a lot more than our Pentium's)

If you know that much M.Gary why you don't complete that so incomplete
game,why not even
just painting a simple car?Or maybe just selling your very expensive PC
to buy one in seperate parts so it would be a lot cheaper for you???

This letter was only to say that there is a lot of people who would like
a lot of features to be adjusted or patched for GP2 but what can we do
apart complaining,Do you
think seriously that a couple of complaints and Mr Microprose will start
building GP3
NO WAY!!!Yes he wanted his Lexus and if it was yourself M.Gary!!!THIS IS

To all the people who likes GP2 Enjoy it and see ya in Australia

GSXRR Way to go Jacques!!!

David Gar

OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by David Gar » Wed, 05 Feb 1997 04:00:00

> To M.David Gary and M.Aw'Cmon? and everyone that is complaining about a
> simulation called GP2.

> I got a question to ask you!

> 1st Are you always complaining about every little things in life?
> 2nd Instead of saying I am frustrated because my 3000$ pentium can't
> take the load and
> those BIG companies have the OBLIGATION to GIVE me the simulation I ever
> wanted.
> Why not thinking about some overclocking?
> Why not talking about the AI of GP2?
> The real problem is that M.Gary is very frustrated because he bought a
> computer and he
> can not run every F****** games that exist with full load graphics.
> You should know that the 1st day you bought your PC it was already
> obsolete and that is
> life TOUGH LUCK!!!
> I'm not saying that GP2 is perfect it is not but there's no other
> competitive F1 sims
> on the market right now and for the others like NFS,Screamers the AI is
> to arcadish and
> for Icr,Icr2 and N2 it's to often straight turn left straight turn left
> and so on.

> We all know the goods and bads of GP2 but I could tell you that I got
> all those sims and
> the one that I got the most fun of is GP2 because it gots the best
> AI,Graphics and also
> this one is going to live long (a lot more than our Pentium's)

> If you know that much M.Gary why you don't complete that so incomplete
> game,why not even
> just painting a simple car?Or maybe just selling your very expensive PC
> to buy one in seperate parts so it would be a lot cheaper for you???

> This letter was only to say that there is a lot of people who would like
> a lot of features to be adjusted or patched for GP2 but what can we do
> apart complaining,Do you
> think seriously that a couple of complaints and Mr Microprose will start
> building GP3
> NO WAY!!!Yes he wanted his Lexus and if it was yourself M.Gary!!!THIS IS

> To all the people who likes GP2 Enjoy it and see ya in Australia

> GSXRR Way to go Jacques!!!

> To M.David Gary and M.Aw'Cmon? and everyone that is complaining about a
> simulation called GP2.

Complaining is not the point, stating the facts are.
I am not posting my articles to target people who already own GP2, but
the people who are thinking about
buying it.  Fortunately for my time's sake this excludes you.


Read above

I thought you stated you had A question for me.

Im trying to figure out what your saying here. You are not English
speaking, are you?. I think
your trying to ask me, why I dont overclock my prossessor. If thats the
case, I dont start
overheating and straining my CPU because Geoff Crammond's design team
can't create a decent
SIM engine that will run efficiently on the fastest hardware to date.

Is this the only thing you base your SIMS on. This game is incomplete,
period. The graphics
and IA in this SIM are great, but these are clouded by the all the
things that are unfinished in this SIM.

Of the newest and best sims to date, N2, ICR2, N1, F22 runs fluid as
water on my system and
their graphics stand alone compared to GP2 because of their ENGINE.
Theres time for compromise and then theres time for having to put up
with Bullshit!

I can see that you are someone that will buy anything. It sounds like
your a "newbie" to this
computer thing and really dont have any "real" time in the seat. I
wouldnt mind selling you a car some time.

Hmmmm, Competitive? Theres not ANY other F1 sims on the market right

Well if you like GP2 and have fun then thats what its all about! I, on
the other
hand can smell bullshit, no matter how much icing you put on it. If you
like it
so much then why would you be wasting your time writing me?

I built my computer and basically you sound like you've lost any hope
that would defend
the quality and integrity of GP2, by just blatenately spouting off

Really? Where in this letter was it only to say that? I havent read one
thing above
that said that. I think you need to practice a little more with you
cutting and pasting.

 but what can we do

What can we do?! hmmmmmmm, about not buy unfinished products.

No, but a couple of million may.

The Bottm line is: With NO multi-player option, NO sound, NO acceptable
framerate, NO utilities, NO tech support, NO..........nothin, this game
should be sold for nothin! Its a ripp off!!...nuff said.


Filip Humb

OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by Filip Humb » Thu, 06 Feb 1997 04:00:00

>All the other sims run fine on anything higher that a p100 and GP2 runs
>shit in SVGA. Either way we're in a day and age of SVGA. If you dont
>mind the way VGA
>looks then go out and get yourself a Playstation. Their a hell of a lot


Sorry David, not a single driving sim runs fine in SVGA on a P200.
Screamer comes close, but this is hardly a sim. Can you actually NAME
a game that runs very smooth in SVGA with full graphics on "anything
higher than a P100"?

Your remark about the PlayStation shows your ignorance. I guess you've
never seen a modern PlayStation game. The resolution, graphics (and
also framerate) of Destruction Derby 2 or Tekken 2 for example are far
better than what can be achieved with the fastest SVGA card on a PC.

Filip Humble


OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by TOlson94 » Thu, 06 Feb 1997 04:00:00

Well, there is tech support, a multiplayer option (modem play at least),
there is sound (you can't hear the other cars, but it is still being
debated whether drivers
can hear other cars or not. I think they can. Damon Hill said that he
heard Berger when he was almost beside him at Suzuka), there are lots of
utilities (but not from Spectrum Holobyte). The frame rate isn't very
good, and I don't like it that a lot of events in a race are
"pre-programmed" (You can go to a certain race a couple of times, and more
than likely the same car will have the same failure or accident on the
same lap that it had the previous races. I've gone to Canada a couple of
times, and I always got an electrical failure on lap 22.) Although I think
that MicroProse could have done A LOT better on this one, but I still like

Jeff Vince

OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by Jeff Vince » Thu, 06 Feb 1997 04:00:00

   Have you tried Rendition ICR2-3D?

   And maybe you should update your knowledge of PC video cards.  ;)

Before you send me UCE, I know what you're thinking...  Did he complain
to five or six postmasters last month?  Now, you must ask yourself one
question: "Do I feel lucky?"  Well, do you, punk?

David Ewi

OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by David Ewi » Thu, 06 Feb 1997 04:00:00

Re: GP2

This isn't true.  I compete in the Little Formula Racing Series
(LFRS) and always run two to three practice races prior to running
my actual race.  Each race on the same track has been VERY different -
who wins the race, who wins pole, who has mechanical failure, etc.

It IS determined, however, at the start of a particular GAME which
cars will have mechanical failure.  So, for example, if you save
a game after qualifying but prior to starting the actual race,
then run the race and have an engine failure, if you restart
the game from that save, you will still have engine failure on
the same lap.  However, if you were to select "race again on the
same circuit", restarting the entire event, it is highly unlikely
that a car would experience the same failure.

I suspect this is what you experienced (restarting a race from a save
rather than restarting the entire event).  If not, it must have been
a VERY rare coincidence.

David A. Ewing                Interleaf - Boulder Lab



OverRated Sim"s and Games.

by TOlson94 » Thu, 06 Feb 1997 04:00:00

I can think of one. The original NFS works just fine in SVGA mode with
high detail on my P133. Doesn't look choppy at all. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.