By the time you read this you'll probably already have tried it. When I
turned it down to 3 I lost my "shift" sound, which surprisingly enough made
it harder to drive. For me, 4 is the minimum.
Some day, when I get my screaming new PC (right after pigs fly) I'll be able
to turn the # of sounds up, and all the graphical goodies on, and see what
I've been missing...
> Thanks, I'll try setting it to 3, but I'm only using 4 sounds now. ;)
> Ken
> > Hi!
> > > I use tire squeal to gage how hard I'm pushing the limits in corners.
> > > Problem is when I'm near other cars I'm not sure if I'm hearing my
> > > squealing or the guy's alongside me. If I increase the volume of the
> > > skid.wav file will that increase only the volume of the tire squeal of
> > > my tires or does it increase the volume from everyone's tires?
> > It does increase everyone's. Maybe decreasing the number of
> > played sounds in the options cures your problem a bit.
> > Regards
> > Crash