> >???
> Theoretically yes. But compared to GPL or N4, the multiplayer is
> extremely poor, with a maximum number of 4-6 players.
> And make sure each of them has a damn good connection :-/
> Andre
Try connecting when you both choose exactly the same car and driver. It
should work. There's some rudimentary file checking built into F1-2001 that
didn't affect mod 1 because a lot of the cars shared the same files, well
now they don't and we discovered the problem a little late . It's being
worked on though. As soon as the solution is available, I'll post back.
I think Turner knows what the issues are; where the stock game and the Ver.
1 mod, reference 1 file for all cars in a few areas, there's now individual
files to get each car as precise as possible. The game doesn't like this
when you link. But it is being worked on.
All the best
> -Phasor
> > >???
> > Theoretically yes. But compared to GPL or N4, the multiplayer is
> > extremely poor, with a maximum number of 4-6 players.
> > And make sure each of them has a damn good connection :-/
> > Andre