Have u ever oversteered a real car? I take my 528 to the track every weekend
and I might not know about the chasis settings of cars but I can drive on
tracks and for real, and since your last name sounds English (manchester
united coach), I guess you know about Snetterton, right? Where u get to
drive a F335, a Viper, a 911, and a Lotus Esprit V8 for 30 minutes each.
Well i happened to have saved my money and went there. And I did drive the
911, and no it did not oversteer. Ofcourse it oversteered, but only rearly
> : I have herd some complaints about the 911s not oversteering in Sports
> : GT, but it just happeneds to be that if u guys would know anything about
> : Eropean cars, you would know that Porsche as always been designing it's
> : so that they are virtually impossible to oversteer. I know that cause
> : in Europe 911s are not a rare sight, u'll see about 3 a day, and I
> : of getting one. Before u start saying how fake a game is cause the cars
> : don't handle how they are supposed to be, maybe it'd better if u
> : knew something about the cars.
> Perhaps it would be better if "u" thought a little bit before spouting
> off. Porsche has been refining the 911 since its inception to try to tame
> the inherent oversteer of the chassis. They are pretty much there with
> the latest generation, partly as a result of suspension design, partly
> because the layout is tending more towards mid-engine than rear engine. I
> live in Europe at the moment. I see a lot of 911s. It doesn't
> necessarily mean I know about them. However, I am a mechanical engineer
> with a keen interest, perhaps passion, for 911s of all ages. An early 911
> will snap-oversteer in a second if the driver is not precise. A mid-80's
> 911 will oversteer on trailing throttle without a moment's hesitation. A
> Carrera 4 is neutral, due to the AWD, until provoked with the throttle, at
> which point it will also oversteer. At their limit all 911s can easily be
> induced to oversteer. Porsche has not made it "impossible" to oversteer
> in a 911.
> I'm glad you are thinking of buying a 911. I imagine Matchbox has a fine
> assortment of colours for you to choose from, Schumi.
> Stephen