Help: GPL, XP, and Voodoo5

Steve Canyo

Help: GPL, XP, and Voodoo5

by Steve Canyo » Fri, 31 May 2002 16:29:57

I just upgraded to XP. I have a Voodoo 5. The first (only) thing I installed
was GPL. I am not able to run it in Glide mode and was wondering if anyone
else had this problem. If so how did you solve it?

I have applied the d3d patch but whenever I change it to 3dfx in the UI it
asks me to restart the game, then switches back to d3d. D3d isn't so bad,
but I am trying to see how Glide works. Can anyone help me?

I have downloaded and installed some hacked drivers for the voodoo5 card. I
first tired the official 3dfx W2k drivers but they blew up half way through
the install, and now I am unable to uninstall them. The hacked drivers
didn't seem to mind that the w2k drivers didn't uninstall completely.

I am cc the flight sim group as I have a number of flight sims that are
glide only and would be really bummed if I couldn't get them to work in XP.

Also interested in any other migration to XP tips. I figured out how to get
my gameport sidewinder wheel installed. XP comes with native support, but
setup is not very intuitive. Although the 2d portion of the V5 worked with
native support, I couldn't figure out how to make the 3d work without the
hacked drivers.

Thanks for any help!


Glenn Rea

Help: GPL, XP, and Voodoo5

by Glenn Rea » Fri, 31 May 2002 18:38:50


Here are some drivers that may work or if
they fail to work correctly, do a Google Group search of  the
3dfx.products.voodoo5 newsgroup.


Marco Format

Help: GPL, XP, and Voodoo5

by Marco Format » Fri, 31 May 2002 18:36:27

With the original Windows 2000 Pro drivers for the Voodoo5 run the install
and it should bomb out a few times - click 'ignore' for the errors.  Reboot
and rerun the install.  Select to Repair the drivers.  This should now allow
you to see the 3dfx tools down the bottom right.

With GPL I haven't got it but in for Falcon 4.0 Realism Patch 5 (ie. the
1.08i2 .exe file running in Glide) run it in Windows 98/ME Compatibility right clicking on the shortcut to the .exe, selecting Compatibility
and enabling it.  Also make sure you've got the latest Windows XP patches
and critical updates.


Goy Larse

Help: GPL, XP, and Voodoo5

by Goy Larse » Fri, 31 May 2002 19:07:45

> I just upgraded to XP. I have a Voodoo 5. The first (only) thing I installed
> was GPL. I am not able to run it in Glide mode and was wondering if anyone
> else had this problem. If so how did you solve it?

> I have applied the d3d patch but whenever I change it to 3dfx in the UI it
> asks me to restart the game, then switches back to d3d. D3d isn't so bad,
> but I am trying to see how Glide works. Can anyone help me?

> I have downloaded and installed some hacked drivers for the voodoo5 card. I
> first tired the official 3dfx W2k drivers but they blew up half way through
> the install, and now I am unable to uninstall them. The hacked drivers
> didn't seem to mind that the w2k drivers didn't uninstall completely.

> I am cc the flight sim group as I have a number of flight sims that are
> glide only and would be really bummed if I couldn't get them to work in XP.

> Also interested in any other migration to XP tips. I figured out how to get
> my gameport sidewinder wheel installed. XP comes with native support, but
> setup is not very intuitive. Although the 2d portion of the V5 worked with
> native support, I couldn't figure out how to make the 3d work without the
> hacked drivers.

I'm currently using 3 different drivers on my 3 PC's equipped with V5
cards, and they perform about the same for what little *** I have
time for these days, I'd start out with the drivers from this place....

If those doesn't work, go here for a few others

I've messed around with 4 or 5 different drivers for my V5's and I've
seen very little difference from one to the next, neither in performance
(3DMark2001) nor quality

I have not tried GPL under XP, and my N2002 is sporting some Gfx
anomalies which I'll live with until I get my new card

Wolfenstein, Medal of Honor, N2002, GTA3, Destroyer Command, Max Payne
and a few other games have played rather well, in some cases (I forget
which) I have had to use the "Compatibility Mode" option

Big thx goes out to the 3Dfx community once again for putting in the
effort to keep our cards running a little while longer

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

"The Pits"

"A man is only as old as the woman he feels"
--Groucho Marx--

Chris H

Help: GPL, XP, and Voodoo5

by Chris H » Fri, 31 May 2002 21:26:10

Others have already responded to the Glide mode, so I'll tackle the game
port SideWinder wheel.  Basically, Windows XP has limited native support for
game port controllers.  This means, you get "basics" and that's all.  The
3.x drivers which originally came with SideWinder controllers do not
function under Windows XP because they need a .vxd format, and that is no
longer supported.  Microsoft chose the route to fully support the newer USB
devices because most game port controllers are four or five years old now,
and not even supported by their manufacturers any longer.  The controller
industry has moved into USB devices.

You mentioned you upgraded to Windows XP.  If this was an upgrade
installation over an existing Win9x platform, I highly suggest you take the
time to do a clean install.  You'll see a world of difference in the
performance when you rid yourself of the problem areas of Win9x.  Remember,
you can use a Windows XP upgrade CD on a clean install, as long as you have
the qualifying media for the Win9x product.  It will ask for the verifying
media, you slip in the Win9x CD, it'll say "fine," and tell you to insert
the Windows XP CD again.
Chris H.

Steve Canyo

Help: GPL, XP, and Voodoo5

by Steve Canyo » Fri, 31 May 2002 23:17:06

Thanks Marco. I will try it again until it works. If nothing else a complete
install will at least allow me to uninstall and keep my new XP clean.

> With the original Windows 2000 Pro drivers for the Voodoo5 run the install
> and it should bomb out a few times - click 'ignore' for the errors.
> and rerun the install.  Select to Repair the drivers.  This should now
> you to see the 3dfx tools down the bottom right.

> With GPL I haven't got it but in for Falcon 4.0 Realism Patch 5 (ie. the
> 1.08i2 .exe file running in Glide) run it in Windows 98/ME Compatibility
> right clicking on the shortcut to the .exe, selecting
> and enabling it.  Also make sure you've got the latest Windows XP patches
> and critical updates.

> Marco

> > I just upgraded to XP. I have a Voodoo 5. The first (only) thing I
> installed
> > was GPL. I am not able to run it in Glide mode and was wondering if
> > else had this problem. If so how did you solve it?

> > I have applied the d3d patch but whenever I change it to 3dfx in the UI
> > asks me to restart the game, then switches back to d3d. D3d isn't so
> > but I am trying to see how Glide works. Can anyone help me?

> > I have downloaded and installed some hacked drivers for the voodoo5
> I
> > first tired the official 3dfx W2k drivers but they blew up half way
> through
> > the install, and now I am unable to uninstall them. The hacked drivers
> > didn't seem to mind that the w2k drivers didn't uninstall completely.

> > I am cc the flight sim group as I have a number of flight sims that are
> > glide only and would be really bummed if I couldn't get them to work in
> XP.

> > Also interested in any other migration to XP tips. I figured out how to
> get
> > my gameport sidewinder wheel installed. XP comes with native support,
> > setup is not very intuitive. Although the 2d portion of the V5 worked
> > native support, I couldn't figure out how to make the 3d work without
> > hacked drivers.

> > Thanks for any help!

> > SC

Steve Canyo

Help: GPL, XP, and Voodoo5

by Steve Canyo » Fri, 31 May 2002 23:18:27

Thanks Goy. I see that there is no end to XP driver packages and that's very
cool. Thanks for the reminder about compatibility mode.

> > I just upgraded to XP. I have a Voodoo 5. The first (only) thing I
> > was GPL. I am not able to run it in Glide mode and was wondering if
> > else had this problem. If so how did you solve it?

> > I have applied the d3d patch but whenever I change it to 3dfx in the UI
> > asks me to restart the game, then switches back to d3d. D3d isn't so
> > but I am trying to see how Glide works. Can anyone help me?

> > I have downloaded and installed some hacked drivers for the voodoo5
card. I
> > first tired the official 3dfx W2k drivers but they blew up half way
> > the install, and now I am unable to uninstall them. The hacked drivers
> > didn't seem to mind that the w2k drivers didn't uninstall completely.

> > I am cc the flight sim group as I have a number of flight sims that are
> > glide only and would be really bummed if I couldn't get them to work in

> > Also interested in any other migration to XP tips. I figured out how to
> > my gameport sidewinder wheel installed. XP comes with native support,
> > setup is not very intuitive. Although the 2d portion of the V5 worked
> > native support, I couldn't figure out how to make the 3d work without
> > hacked drivers.

> I'm currently using 3 different drivers on my 3 PC's equipped with V5
> cards, and they perform about the same for what little *** I have
> time for these days, I'd start out with the drivers from this place....

> If those doesn't work, go here for a few others

> I've messed around with 4 or 5 different drivers for my V5's and I've
> seen very little difference from one to the next, neither in performance
> (3DMark2001) nor quality

> I have not tried GPL under XP, and my N2002 is sporting some Gfx
> anomalies which I'll live with until I get my new card

> Wolfenstein, Medal of Honor, N2002, GTA3, Destroyer Command, Max Payne
> and a few other games have played rather well, in some cases (I forget
> which) I have had to use the "Compatibility Mode" option

> Big thx goes out to the 3Dfx community once again for putting in the
> effort to keep our cards running a little while longer

> Beers and cheers
> (uncle) Goy

> "The Pits"

> "A man is only as old as the woman he feels"
> --Groucho Marx--

Steve Canyo

Help: GPL, XP, and Voodoo5

by Steve Canyo » Fri, 31 May 2002 23:28:38

I'm glad my old wheel is still supported! I can't imagine getting rid of it
before it dies. It seems to have a funky calibration routine (hard to
describe the problem) but other than that it works fine. I did install a
fresh copy of XP--thanks for the tip on how to use the upgrade cd.

> Others have already responded to the Glide mode, so I'll tackle the game
> port SideWinder wheel.  Basically, Windows XP has limited native support
> game port controllers.  This means, you get "basics" and that's all.  The
> 3.x drivers which originally came with SideWinder controllers do not
> function under Windows XP because they need a .vxd format, and that is no
> longer supported.  Microsoft chose the route to fully support the newer
> devices because most game port controllers are four or five years old now,
> and not even supported by their manufacturers any longer.  The controller
> industry has moved into USB devices.

> You mentioned you upgraded to Windows XP.  If this was an upgrade
> installation over an existing Win9x platform, I highly suggest you take
> time to do a clean install.  You'll see a world of difference in the
> performance when you rid yourself of the problem areas of Win9x.
> you can use a Windows XP upgrade CD on a clean install, as long as you
> the qualifying media for the Win9x product.  It will ask for the verifying
> media, you slip in the Win9x CD, it'll say "fine," and tell you to insert
> the Windows XP CD again.
> --
> Chris H.

> > I just upgraded to XP. I have a Voodoo 5. The first (only) thing I
> installed
> > was GPL. I am not able to run it in Glide mode and was wondering if
> > else had this problem. If so how did you solve it?

> > I have applied the d3d patch but whenever I change it to 3dfx in the UI
> > asks me to restart the game, then switches back to d3d. D3d isn't so
> > but I am trying to see how Glide works. Can anyone help me?

> > I have downloaded and installed some hacked drivers for the voodoo5
> I
> > first tired the official 3dfx W2k drivers but they blew up half way
> through
> > the install, and now I am unable to uninstall them. The hacked drivers
> > didn't seem to mind that the w2k drivers didn't uninstall completely.

> > I am cc the flight sim group as I have a number of flight sims that are
> > glide only and would be really bummed if I couldn't get them to work in
> XP.

> > Also interested in any other migration to XP tips. I figured out how to
> get
> > my gameport sidewinder wheel installed. XP comes with native support,
> > setup is not very intuitive. Although the 2d portion of the V5 worked
> > native support, I couldn't figure out how to make the 3d work without
> > hacked drivers.

> > Thanks for any help!

> > SC

Chris H

Help: GPL, XP, and Voodoo5

by Chris H » Sat, 01 Jun 2002 07:27:58

'Nother cool thing about Windows XP - Take a look at the Files and Settings
Transfer Wizard in Help and Support.  You can pick and choose which files to
save on another drive, a different computer on a LAN or to CD.  I use it to
cover my tail when it get GPL and F1 2001 "just right."  If I need to
reformat, all my settings are restored on the games like I never wiped the
Chris H.

> I'm glad my old wheel is still supported! I can't imagine getting rid of
> before it dies. It seems to have a funky calibration routine (hard to
> describe the problem) but other than that it works fine. I did install a
> fresh copy of XP--thanks for the tip on how to use the upgrade cd.

> > Others have already responded to the Glide mode, so I'll tackle the game
> > port SideWinder wheel.  Basically, Windows XP has limited native support
> for
> > game port controllers.  This means, you get "basics" and that's all.
> > 3.x drivers which originally came with SideWinder controllers do not
> > function under Windows XP because they need a .vxd format, and that is
> > longer supported.  Microsoft chose the route to fully support the newer
> > devices because most game port controllers are four or five years old
> > and not even supported by their manufacturers any longer.  The
> > industry has moved into USB devices.

> > You mentioned you upgraded to Windows XP.  If this was an upgrade
> > installation over an existing Win9x platform, I highly suggest you take
> the
> > time to do a clean install.  You'll see a world of difference in the
> > performance when you rid yourself of the problem areas of Win9x.
> Remember,
> > you can use a Windows XP upgrade CD on a clean install, as long as you
> have
> > the qualifying media for the Win9x product.  It will ask for the
> > media, you slip in the Win9x CD, it'll say "fine," and tell you to
> > the Windows XP CD again.
> > --
> > Chris H.

> > > I just upgraded to XP. I have a Voodoo 5. The first (only) thing I
> > installed
> > > was GPL. I am not able to run it in Glide mode and was wondering if
> anyone
> > > else had this problem. If so how did you solve it?

> > > I have applied the d3d patch but whenever I change it to 3dfx in the
> it
> > > asks me to restart the game, then switches back to d3d. D3d isn't so
> bad,
> > > but I am trying to see how Glide works. Can anyone help me?

> > > I have downloaded and installed some hacked drivers for the voodoo5
> card.
> > I
> > > first tired the official 3dfx W2k drivers but they blew up half way
> > through
> > > the install, and now I am unable to uninstall them. The hacked drivers
> > > didn't seem to mind that the w2k drivers didn't uninstall completely.

> > > I am cc the flight sim group as I have a number of flight sims that
> > > glide only and would be really bummed if I couldn't get them to work
> > XP.

> > > Also interested in any other migration to XP tips. I figured out how
> > get
> > > my gameport sidewinder wheel installed. XP comes with native support,
> but
> > > setup is not very intuitive. Although the 2d portion of the V5 worked
> with
> > > native support, I couldn't figure out how to make the 3d work without
> the
> > > hacked drivers.

> > > Thanks for any help!

> > > SC is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.