system w/ Win 98 just to use this wheel.
I have one of the old Formula Force wheels (the red one that everyone
likes) but it only has the serial connection not the combination
usb/serial that most of them had.
Does anyone know if it's possible to update the wiring of this wheel to
usb, or of an adapter from serial to usb that will work with this?
I've tried one serial to usb adapter and it wouldn't work (don't
remember which) and I really don't expect to find an adapter that will
but it must be possible to add usb to it like Logitech did. Naturally
writing to Logitech was about as much use as asking when WSC will be
This wheel has virtually no time on it (less than 1 hr) and I'd like to
start using it, I guess another option would be to find someone who has
a broken one (with usb) sitting around wasting space who'd be willing to
sell at a reasonable price.
If anyone knows of a fix or has a broken usb model to part with I'd
appreciate the info.