Just kidding. :)
Point your browser to this URL:
and follow the links to the demo
Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.
Even if you got the unofficial one, this one is worth the download.
Yet another driving game that doesn't (apparently) support split-axis
pedals. Boo! What's so frickin' hard about it?
> >Anybody know if it's the same demo that just came with the new PC gamer
> >demo disc? If so, dont waste your time... you only get about a minute of
> >driving time, and if you lose the cop before the minute is up, you're
> >done.
> If you use those settings as the file mission661.dms in the
> driver demo/scripts/mission directory, you have all the time in the
> world to lose the cop and you can keep driving afterwards until you
> destroy your car.
> === snip here ===
> // Driver Mission Script v0.1a
> // (c)1998 Reflections Software
> ##########################################################
> # Draft mission script for Getaway, Miami #
> # By Tony M Roberts #
> ##########################################################
> file://************** INITIALISATION *****************
> // Make sure player cant move during startup...
> StopPlayer
> LoadMap "Miami_01.lev"
> EventScript "Miami_19.des"
> file://OverheadMap "Maimi_00.map"
> DamageBarId 194
> FelonyBarId 195
> FailedMessage "Time Up!"
> file://FailedMessageId
> file://WindowMessageId
> LoseTailMessageId 103
> file://SmashedMessageId
> file://OutOfRangeMessageId
> file://CarGotAwayMessageId
> DisableTailMessage 0 file://Switch off Lose Tail Message
> SetMaximumCops 0
> Cops_off
> Cop_Respawn 65000
> RoadblockTrigger 4096
> PlayerCarType 0
> SmashedMessageId 187
> EnablePlayerDamage
> MaxPlayerDamage 24576 file://( 0 -> 4096*6 is range )
> DebugInfo 1
> file://TimePlayer
> file://Countdown 70 file://UK 60 seconds USA 70 seconds
> SetPlayerPosition 38811, 441191 file://Miami Beach
> SetPlayerYRotation 3042
> Cops_Immortal 1
> file://Cops_BatterPlayer 1
> Cops_PowerScale 4596
> Cops_SpeedScale 4596
> Cops_Autopowerscale 1024
> Cops_Autospeedscale 1024
> file://SpawnCops 1, 3067, 45609, 441019
> AddCivCar 9,0,1,0,3067, 45609, 441019
> SetMaximumCops 1
> Cops_on
> ForceFelonyRating 1
> TriggerEvent 1
> ReleasePlayer
> InformPlayerById 5,103
> SetTarget 0,1000000,917,398517 file://Off Map
> EnableTarget 0
> Set Objective 2
> MustBeHidden 1 file://Must arrive at drop off point without a tail
> NeedToLoseTail 1
> OuterRadius 1000000
> DisableTargetPulse 0
> DisableTargetTracer 0
> DisableTargetArrow 0
> Wait 1
> file://wait 5
> WaitForObjectiveComplete
> Cops_off
> InformPlayerById 5,3
> file://StopTimer
> wait 2
> file://MissionEnd
> === snip here ===
> --
> Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.
And don't forget, if you change the PlayerCarType parameter (from
0-12) you can get any of 13 autos including the cop car.
>>Anybody know if it's the same demo that just came with the new PC gamer
>>demo disc? If so, dont waste your time... you only get about a minute of
>>driving time, and if you lose the cop before the minute is up, you're
>If you use those settings as the file mission661.dms in the
>driver demo/scripts/mission directory, you have all the time in the
>world to lose the cop and you can keep driving afterwards until you
>destroy your car.
>=== snip here ===
>// Driver Mission Script v0.1a
>// (c)1998 Reflections Software
># Draft mission script for Getaway, Miami #
># By Tony M Roberts #
>//************** INITIALISATION *****************
>// Make sure player cant move during startup...
>LoadMap "Miami_01.lev"
>EventScript "Miami_19.des"
>//OverheadMap "Maimi_00.map"
>DamageBarId 194
>FelonyBarId 195
>FailedMessage "Time Up!"
>LoseTailMessageId 103
>DisableTailMessage 0 //Switch off Lose Tail Message
>SetMaximumCops 0
>Cop_Respawn 65000
>RoadblockTrigger 4096
>PlayerCarType 0
>SmashedMessageId 187
>MaxPlayerDamage 24576 //( 0 -> 4096*6 is range )
>DebugInfo 1
>//Countdown 70 //UK 60 seconds USA 70 seconds
>SetPlayerPosition 38811, 441191 //Miami Beach
>SetPlayerYRotation 3042
>Cops_Immortal 1
>//Cops_BatterPlayer 1
>Cops_PowerScale 4596
>Cops_SpeedScale 4596
>Cops_Autopowerscale 1024
>Cops_Autospeedscale 1024
>//SpawnCops 1, 3067, 45609, 441019
>AddCivCar 9,0,1,0,3067, 45609, 441019
>SetMaximumCops 1
>ForceFelonyRating 1
>TriggerEvent 1
>InformPlayerById 5,103
>SetTarget 0,1000000,917,398517 //Off Map
>EnableTarget 0
>Set Objective 2
>MustBeHidden 1 //Must arrive at drop off point without a tail
>NeedToLoseTail 1
>OuterRadius 1000000
>DisableTargetPulse 0
>DisableTargetTracer 0
>DisableTargetArrow 0
>Wait 1
>//wait 5
>InformPlayerById 5,3
>wait 2
>=== snip here ===
>I'm telling you when I'm finished downloading it, so you don't waste
>*MY* bandwidth.
>Just kidding. :)
>Point your browser to this URL:
>and follow the links to the demo
>>I'm telling you when I'm finished downloading it, so you don't waste
>>*MY* bandwidth.
>>Just kidding. :)
>>Point your browser to this URL:
>>and follow the links to the demo
the friendly pysco
> Andre
> >>Where?
> >I'm telling you when I'm finished downloading it, so you don't waste
> >*MY* bandwidth.
> >Just kidding. :)
> >Point your browser to this URL:
> >http://Driver.gtgames.com/home.html
> >and follow the links to the demo
> Andre
> >When I click on 'Get the demo now!' I only can see pictures and
> >movies, no link to the demo file...
> >Andre
> >>>Where?
> >>I'm telling you when I'm finished downloading it, so you don't waste
> >>*MY* bandwidth.
> >>Just kidding. :)
> >>Point your browser to this URL:
> >>http://Driver.gtgames.com/home.html
> >>and follow the links to the demo
> Even if you got the unofficial one, this one is worth the download.
> Jan.
> ----
> > Anybody know if it's the same demo that just came with the new PC gamer
> > demo disc? If so, dont waste your time... you only get about a minute of
> > driving time, and if you lose the cop before the minute is up, you're
> > done.
If you use those settings as the file mission661.dms in the
driver demo/scripts/mission directory, you have all the time in the
world to lose the cop and you can keep driving afterwards until you
destroy your car.
=== snip here ===
// Driver Mission Script v0.1a
// (c)1998 Reflections Software
# Draft mission script for Getaway, Miami #
# By Tony M Roberts #
//************** INITIALISATION *****************
// Make sure player cant move during startup...
LoadMap "Miami_01.lev"
EventScript "Miami_19.des"
//OverheadMap "Maimi_00.map"
DamageBarId 194
FelonyBarId 195
FailedMessage "Time Up!"
LoseTailMessageId 103
DisableTailMessage 0 //Switch off Lose Tail Message
SetMaximumCops 0
Cop_Respawn 65000
RoadblockTrigger 4096
PlayerCarType 0
SmashedMessageId 187
MaxPlayerDamage 24576 //( 0 -> 4096*6 is range )
DebugInfo 1
//Countdown 70 //UK 60 seconds USA 70 seconds
SetPlayerPosition 38811, 441191 //Miami Beach
SetPlayerYRotation 3042
Cops_Immortal 1
//Cops_BatterPlayer 1
Cops_PowerScale 4596
Cops_SpeedScale 4596
Cops_Autopowerscale 1024
Cops_Autospeedscale 1024
//SpawnCops 1, 3067, 45609, 441019
AddCivCar 9,0,1,0,3067, 45609, 441019
SetMaximumCops 1
ForceFelonyRating 1
TriggerEvent 1
InformPlayerById 5,103
SetTarget 0,1000000,917,398517 //Off Map
EnableTarget 0
Set Objective 2
MustBeHidden 1 //Must arrive at drop off point without a tail
NeedToLoseTail 1
OuterRadius 1000000
DisableTargetPulse 0
DisableTargetTracer 0
DisableTargetArrow 0
Wait 1
//wait 5
InformPlayerById 5,3
wait 2
=== snip here ===
Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.