fliping written all over it( screnshots ). i hope its a sim and not a
partial sim.
><If papy did a carset/trackpack for trans-am, i'd buy it.>
>So would I..hell any thing they usually put out is good stuff.
>Mike Dunn
The beauty of it is that if enuf people buy it (no matter HOW bad it is),
maybe we could get papy to do a carset for this type of racing too. Then
we could run trans-am cars on the grand prix tracks.
If papy did a carset/trackpack for trans-am, i'd buy it.
John Simmons - Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
John Simmons - Barbarian Diecast Collector
IGPS Director
If you want to send me email, go to either of the URL's
shown above & click "Send Me Mail" in the contents frame.
<If papy did a carset/trackpack for trans-am, i'd buy it.>
So would I..hell any thing they usually put out is good stuff.
Mike Dunn
> >John,
> ><If papy did a carset/trackpack for trans-am, i'd buy it.>
> >So would I..hell any thing they usually put out is good stuff.
> >Mike Dunn
Green Barracuda's!!! What more can I say....????
keep up the work...make it right!
dave henrie