Trans AM Racing 68 - 72 in 2001?
Well it looks like its going to be a long time before we see GT
Interactive's racing simulation, Trans AM Racing 68-72.
Originally GT Interactive planned to have their racing simulation Trans
Am Racing '68-'72 on store shelves sometime this fall. But several months
ago it was rumored that GT Interactive's Trans AM Racing 68-72 had been
cancelled. Although these rumors were proven to be false, the news on
Trans-Am Racing unfortunately still wasn't good. GT had decided to remove
the development team from the project and start over with a new one.
Though GT couldn't get into the specifics of the reasons behind the move
for confidentiality reasons, we have learned that a development team
still hasn't been chosen, and no specific development teams are being
courted either. And according to GT it'll be at least another 18 months
before gamers will see this title.
Well it's looking more and more likely that GT Interactive's racing
simulation, Trans Am Racing '68-'72, would more aptly be titled as Trans
Am Racing '99-'01.