I have been trying a few video cards in order to boost the frame rate in
GP2 but had very little succes. I tried the Sierra Screaming 3D and the
Stealth II but GP2 would not respond to it (in fact the frame rate
decreases to an unacceptable and unplayable level). I know that GP2
does not support 3D but I thought it would take advantage of the 4 MB.
I currently have a S3 Trio 64 v+ card (from Trident I think) with 2 MB
of video ram on my Pentium 133 (32 MB of ram).
Would anyone have a card type or brand name to suggest that GP2 would
recognize and that would increase the frame rate? Would a standard card
with more ram produce a better result. I welcome any suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
Guy Vincent