On Tue, 30 Jul 1996 15:39:22 +0200, Jean-Francois De Rudder
>> Matrox Millenium is one of the (if not _the_) fastest cards running in
>> windows. Be sure to buy the non-OEM version though!
>> /Martin
>Buy OEM, do you mean the cheap one that doesn't come with a proper
>package and software(s)? What is wrong with it? Any information about
>the ET6000
For DOS games like GP2, there is no difference in performance between
the OEM & retail versions (if you have proof to say otherwise, please
post it & I'll shut up <g>).
AFAIK, the only differences are:
1. You don't get the extra software
2. The RAMDAC has a lower maximum speed. This _only_ affects
resolutions above 1024 * 768 (or maybe higher)
3. You can't add extra memory _and_ an MPEG (or other) daugtherboard
Point 1 is immaterial to GP2 (unless they come up with an optimised
version as with Nascar)
Point 2 is only going to apply to Windows, etc. with large (17 inch
plus) monitors. GP2 runs at 640 * 480 max.
Point 3 also doesn't affect GP2 since it comes with a minimum of 2MB
of WRAM (way, way more than required for GP2) and extra video memory
won't speed things up.
The Millenium is no better than most DOS cards for VGA. It is,
however, one of the best for SVGA (but also check out the new Hercules
cards) and for Windows.