I think my problem is playing too many arcade racers and not enough sims.
With arcade racers you can floor it and the consequences are few. With GPL
I have a feeling that these cars would react the same way in real life with
no finesse. (i.e. pedal to the metal, or in this case plastic).
There is a Sidewinder control panel with which you can configure your range
of motion for the pedals. I am going to mess around with this tonight,
sounds like this would be just the thing to ease your transition.
BTW let me stress that IMHO I thought that the TM force wheel was junk. The
wheel had this chinzy feel to it. I thought something was loose inside.
Strangely enough I felt that I had better control with the TM product. I
think that after tinkering a bit I will get back to that level. The pedals
however I prefer over the MS ones. But hey can get everything.
>David, your post caught my eye.
>I too had Athrustmaster control. Yesterday I recieved my MSFF wheel.
>I can turn 106's at the Glen., with my T2.
>Now I can't do shit.
>My T2 had throttle and accelerator set at 40% and 30% - thats gives a lag
>when accelerating and braking.
>The MSFF is very much more sensitive.
>I would suggest trying to apply brakes and acceleration in smaller
>Know that this sounds like a big task but I feel this wheel is much better
>it will be a feel thing .
>Stick with it.
>> I have been playing this game for about 2 weeks now, although it is
>> frustrating at times it has been the only driving game (or any game for
>> matter) that has held my attention for more than a couple of days...
>> I have been exclusively racing at Watkins Glen with different cars, Lotus
>> and Ferrari mostly. Recently I switched my settings to all help off and
>> advanced trainer (basically the most realistic settings). And I am
>> many problems controlling the cars now, especially braking with braking
>> turned off (keep locking those brakes). I am sure that I will get used
>> it eventually but there is one part of the course that I just cannot
>> out. The area between the speed trap and the big bend.
>> I am usually in 4th gear when heading into the speed trap. As I shift
>> to 3rd and brake the car _always_ loses control and the rear end slides
>> (or just gets squirly) and hits the guardrail on the left side just
>> the "Big bend" turn. I almost always spin or have to make corrections
>> the grass.
>> Any suggestions are welcome.. I really don't want to turn any of the
>> driving aids back on though.
>> My setup is as follows:
>> MS Sidewinder FF Wheel, setup to accelerate and brake on sep. axis.
>> Diamond V550 TNT
>> P2 450
>> 128mb ram
>> etc etc.
>> Before this wheel I had the new TM force, although I liked it at first it
>> a piece of... how should I put this... crap!