You can adjust the *.txt track file (taladega.txt for example) by
changing the RELS line. Decreasing this number makes the ai go slower,
increasing it, the opposite. You can adjust qual speed by changing the
BLAP number. Try changing the numbers after the "." ("30345" changed to
30355). Make small changes at first. That number represent the number of
second takent to complete a lap (30.345 for example). When I compete in
a season, I set the AI to 100% but adjust the individual tracks to a
confortable level (that darn Dover track!).
> Hi All,
> Is there a way in N3 to adjust the AI at specific tracks to make the
> opponents alittle slower? I am running at 98% and am doing ok at most
> tracks but am getting left in the dust at Talladega and Daytona! I've
> adjusted and adjusted, got some setups off the web and I'm still getting
> killed! I tried increasing my own strength (power, traction, etc.) to no
> avail. Thanking you in advance, any tips?
> -Brian
Philippe Sergerie
Proud co-owner - CLONE N.Legends league
ICQ#: 16192023