better than GP3 that's for sure. The demo doesn't allow you to race or turn
off all driving aids, which is a pity, but even at the "Pro" setting, it
looks and plays very good.
I was wondering, I first ran F1RC with the T&L Radeon driver, but the car's
polygons sometimes don't get drawn. If I run with the primary display
driver (no T&L, I assume), everything works fine, and it doesn't seem
slower. Anyone else able to run with T&L on?
I'm going to wait if and when UbiSoft releases the patch to purchase this
game... This will be the best F1 Sim so far... On the French Canadian
Ubisoft web site they ask us to be patient for the patch as they are
addressing all user issues and apparently improving the game overall as
well. We'll see.