Voodoo 1 vs. 2


Voodoo 1 vs. 2

by rac.. » Fri, 14 Aug 1998 04:00:00

I have a K-6 200.  Can someone who actually has this configuration
tell me if they have tried both types of cards in their machines?
What would they recommend?

Reply by email, please.

Thanks in advance,
- Nick


Voodoo 1 vs. 2

by Murc » Fri, 14 Aug 1998 04:00:00

I don't have a k-6 but i do have a p200. When i moved up to the voodoo2 i
picked up about 10fps more then with the voodoo1 in most games. The best
thing i like about is that you can run games in 800x600 with out any
performance hit maybe a frame but not anymore.

Blayne Phillip

Voodoo 1 vs. 2

by Blayne Phillip » Fri, 14 Aug 1998 04:00:00

You can't trust what the p200 is in the last post becasue AMD is totally
different and alot better

Blayne Phillips


Voodoo 1 vs. 2

by Murc » Fri, 14 Aug 1998 04:00:00

What the guy who lives next to me has a K-6 233 and his FPS in Quake II and
others games was always a few frames slower then mine. Other then the mother
boards we have the same set up untill i got my voodoo2. Same sound cards
same about of ram and even the same memory type and manufacture. I have a
P200MMX i don't think i but in the MMX part. Anyway if the chip is better
then he will see evan a better frame rate increase.

>You can't trust what the p200 is in the last post becasue AMD is totally
>different and alot better

>Blayne Phillips

>>I have a K-6 200.  Can someone who actually has this configuration
>>tell me if they have tried both types of cards in their machines?
>>What would they recommend?

>>Reply by email, please.

>>Thanks in advance,
>>- Nick


Voodoo 1 vs. 2

by Murc » Fri, 14 Aug 1998 04:00:00

That's a measument in Quake II. I went from 24 fps to 34 fps. The only thing
i did was switch the voodoo1 with the voodoo2. I also get better fps in CPR
and many other games. Unreal is alot better now also. In the SIN time demo i
get ( I think, don't have the number in front of me) 24 FPS. So to me it was
worth the investment from my old Voodoo1 to the Voodoo2. 10 FPS in quake II
is a pretty good increase with upgrading to a PII system.

>Is that an actual measurement or a guesstimate?

>> I don't have a k-6 but i do have a p200. When i moved up to the > voodoo2
>> picked up about 10fps more then with the voodoo1 in most games.

>The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-

Bruce Kennewel

Voodoo 1 vs. 2

by Bruce Kennewel » Sat, 15 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Is that an actual measurement or a guesstimate?

> I don't have a k-6 but i do have a p200. When i moved up to the > voodoo2 i
> picked up about 10fps more then with the voodoo1 in most games.

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
Matthias Buesi

Voodoo 1 vs. 2

by Matthias Buesi » Sat, 15 Aug 1998 04:00:00

R> I have a K-6 200.  Can someone who actually has this configuration
R> tell me if they have tried both types of cards in their machines?
R> What would they recommend?

With a cpu >266 -> Voodoo II
Else: Voodoo I !

Also, man mailt sich...

.\\atze        [ FmMW2109 - FmMB2139 ]

*home* :


Voodoo 1 vs. 2

by BRI » Sun, 16 Aug 1998 04:00:00

AMD K6 is better at Windows non game apps than a Pentium200mmx, but at 3D
its weaker than a Pentium200MMX.  Reason for this is the weak FPU in the
AMD.  The new AMD K6 2 is supposedly much better with  the FPU than the
original K6.  My experience is my system vs. my brother who has a K6 200. We
both used to have Pure3d cards and I would always get 3-5 FPS better in
Quake 2 timedemo 1.  When I got my CL Voodoo2 8 meg, I improved another 9
FPS but in 800x600!  Then I installed a Turtle Beach Montego Soundcard--I
had a Soundblaster 32 PnP--and I get another 3-4 FPS now because of the PCI
interface.  By the way this is on a 2 year old Octek Rhino9 430HX
motherboard that is maxed out now with the P200mmx and I have 64 megs of EDO
ram.  Also, I have my Voodoo2 overclocked to 96mhz.

>You can't trust what the p200 is in the last post becasue AMD is totally
>different and alot better

>Blayne Phillips

>>I have a K-6 200.  Can someone who actually has this configuration
>>tell me if they have tried both types of cards in their machines?
>>What would they recommend?

>>Reply by email, please.

>>Thanks in advance,
>>- Nick

Ken Bear

Voodoo 1 vs. 2

by Ken Bear » Sun, 16 Aug 1998 04:00:00

>But should a Intel P200 is not good to get a V2??  I heard that you MUST
>a Pentium2 in order to run it well.  Or does any one know and suggest,
>the MINIMUM CPU SPEED for a Voodoo2 card??


Ok, this keeps getting mis-stated a lot.  On any processor, the V2 will be
somewhat faster than a V1.  On a P-233 or slower, you're looking at 10%-20%
depending on the game.  And usually with better image quality and the
ability to run at 800x600.  On a P-II though, the V1 isn't able to go fast
enough to keep up with the processor, whereas the V2 can take more than
anything out now can throw it's way.  So on a P-II, you'll see maybe double
the framerates vs. a V1, and even more the more CPU you throw at it.

But, if you have a P200, it'll run the Voodoo 2 fine, and faster than a
Voodoo 1, just won't be able to get the same framerates as on a PII-400.  So
it's not like the V2 is dog slow on slower systems.  It's just if you have a
V1 and a P200, it probably isn't worth $200+ to upgrade to V2.  But if you
don't have a V1, the V2 is actually a good choice - you get better
performance, better image quality, and running 800x600.  Plus if you upgrade
the CPU, of course the V2 will get that much better.



Matthias Buesi

Voodoo 1 vs. 2

by Matthias Buesi » Sun, 16 Aug 1998 04:00:00

O> But should a Intel P200 is not good to get a V2??  I heard that you MUST
O> get a Pentium2 in order to run it well.  Or does any one know and
O> suggest, what's the MINIMUM CPU SPEED for a Voodoo2 card??

AFAIK > 266...

Also, man mailt sich...

.\\atze        [ FmMW2109 - FmMB2139 ]

*home* :

Nathan Wo

Voodoo 1 vs. 2

by Nathan Wo » Mon, 17 Aug 1998 04:00:00

>But should a Intel P200 is not good to get a V2??  I heard that you MUST get
>a Pentium2 in order to run it well.  Or does any one know and suggest, what's
>the MINIMUM CPU SPEED for a Voodoo2 card??


A Pentium 200 will run a Voodoo2 just fine, what it wont do is push
the card to its capabilities. No P2 will do it either yet.
If you have a P2, you will see huge increases in speed with a Voodoo2
compared to a non-P2.
Nathan Wong
                        - Super Touring - Alfa Romeo -

                            - V8Supercars - CART -
Ronald Stoe

Voodoo 1 vs. 2

by Ronald Stoe » Tue, 18 Aug 1998 04:00:00

> O> But should a Intel P200 is not good to get a V2??  I heard that you MUST
> O> get a Pentium2 in order to run it well.  Or does any one know and
> O> suggest, what's the MINIMUM CPU SPEED for a Voodoo2 card??

> AFAIK > 266...

I switched to V2 for my P233MMX because of a sale at Conrad Electronics
(German electronics shop) and just for the increased resolutions and
quite better performance (e.g. in F1RS) I recommend it, esp. if your
going to upgrade sometime in the near future. And what gamer is not
going to upgrade...?? ;^)


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