tell me if they have tried both types of cards in their machines?
What would they recommend?
Reply by email, please.
Thanks in advance,
- Nick
Reply by email, please.
Thanks in advance,
- Nick
Blayne Phillips
>Blayne Phillips
>>I have a K-6 200. Can someone who actually has this configuration
>>tell me if they have tried both types of cards in their machines?
>>What would they recommend?
>>Reply by email, please.
>>Thanks in advance,
>>- Nick
>> I don't have a k-6 but i do have a p200. When i moved up to the > voodoo2
>> picked up about 10fps more then with the voodoo1 in most games.
>The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club is located at:-
> I don't have a k-6 but i do have a p200. When i moved up to the > voodoo2 i
> picked up about 10fps more then with the voodoo1 in most games.
R> I have a K-6 200. Can someone who actually has this configuration
R> tell me if they have tried both types of cards in their machines?
R> What would they recommend?
With a cpu >266 -> Voodoo II
Else: Voodoo I !
Also, man mailt sich...
.\\atze [ FmMW2109 - FmMB2139 ]
*home* :
>Blayne Phillips
>>I have a K-6 200. Can someone who actually has this configuration
>>tell me if they have tried both types of cards in their machines?
>>What would they recommend?
>>Reply by email, please.
>>Thanks in advance,
>>- Nick
But, if you have a P200, it'll run the Voodoo 2 fine, and faster than a
Voodoo 1, just won't be able to get the same framerates as on a PII-400. So
it's not like the V2 is dog slow on slower systems. It's just if you have a
V1 and a P200, it probably isn't worth $200+ to upgrade to V2. But if you
don't have a V1, the V2 is actually a good choice - you get better
performance, better image quality, and running 800x600. Plus if you upgrade
the CPU, of course the V2 will get that much better.
O> But should a Intel P200 is not good to get a V2?? I heard that you MUST
O> get a Pentium2 in order to run it well. Or does any one know and
O> suggest, what's the MINIMUM CPU SPEED for a Voodoo2 card??
AFAIK > 266...
Also, man mailt sich...
.\\atze [ FmMW2109 - FmMB2139 ]
*home* :
> O> But should a Intel P200 is not good to get a V2?? I heard that you MUST
> O> get a Pentium2 in order to run it well. Or does any one know and
> O> suggest, what's the MINIMUM CPU SPEED for a Voodoo2 card??
> AFAIK > 266...
How to get rid of censorship in German game releases
|\ _,,,---,,_ I want to die like my Grandfather,
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ in his sleep.
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Not like the people in his car,
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) screaming their heads off!