>Not so. A SODA representitive specifically promised that a 3dfx patch
>would be made available at no charge (the specific time-line for it
>was just an estimate though, I agree on that part).
What I said was "the official spec", that which was written on the box
and published in the magazines, websites etc. Yes, Steven came on here
and mentioned a patch (and this has not been renegued upon), but, as
with all the other sims I mentioned, 3dFX wasn't a part of the
original plan. At least with SODA (and now N2) we get 3dFX support
added later.
SODA's frame-rate sucks badly? Worse than GP2 on the hardware of the
time?! I don't think so. Configure SODA as I described and your frame
rate will be fine. At least then you can "not buy it" for a good
reason - because it's not your cup of tea, poor graphics or whatever.
The point I was making was that simply refusing to buy something
because of no 3dFX support would deprived someone of games like Quake
and Total Annihilation, both of which are totally fine without 3dFX.
That wasn't the issue - the guy I was responding to said he wouldn't
buy anything that didn't have 3dFX support, which appeared to me an
incredibly blinkered attitude, and one likely to deprive the poor soul
of many fantastic titles. Strangely enough, he said this was the same
strategy as you, which it obviously isn't.
Perhaps you can explain to me why I'm playing it in software with a
perfectly acceptable frame-rate, equivalent in driving terms to that
which I get using Rendition support? I'm using a P166MMX (188Mhz), so
it can't be that demanding. Turn off the textures (leave the track
texture as it is necessary for the impression of speed) and try it
again - the frame-rate is fine. I really don't want to have to measure
it (since Papyrus games are a pain to do this on), but I will if you
PS - Although I feel that an experienced sim-fan is quite capable of
judging if a frame-rate is acceptable by eye alone, I've seen too many
complaints about "subjective opinions", so I went and measured SODA's
(software only version of SODA), all textures off except track set to
auto, mirrors on (non-texture) and car detail set to high. Max fps set
to 30, min fps adjusted until track texture flickered while
hotlapping. Using Paradise Leap track (the demo one), the track
texture finally dropped when min fps was set to 26, and then only at
two points on the track for about a second and then returned. This was
in my favoured "cockpit" view. Switching (as the readme recommends) to
the default bumper view, I get a solid 30fps all the way around, with
the road texture never dropping.