>What is wrong?
Er...Nothing, Well, except that you need a VooDoo (1 or 2) or a
Rendition card to run it well...The software renderer in the demo is
not optimized, and will be better in the release version, but one of
these video cards make a world of difference.
FWIW, In your case I would consider a Voodoo card, since this is a
add-on, and can coexcist with your G200, where the Rendition would
replace the G200. Please note, this advise only goes for GPL. If you
use other software (read: games) an other advise could be given.
Don't forget, NEVER upgrade before software is released!! It seems
that GPL in multi-user mode heavenly depends on the L2-cache, which
the Celeron is lacking. Maybe there are more suchs isues, which we
don't know about right now. It would be very painfull when you spend a
lot of money, only to find out when the game is released, that it
wasn't enough.