Is it completely free in the game controllers applet (Control Panel - Game
Controllers select your MOMO en click the properties button)? -when on that
screen the wheel should offer little resistance if any at all (you're just
moving the gears). Don't push any of the buttons though as some demo effects
will kick in at full strenght.
If it's ok there, hit the settings button and play with the settings there,
especially the overall strenght. IIRC you don't need the "Spring effect" and
"Damper effect" settings in NFS:PU (set to 0%) and the centering spring
should be off, like Ashley pointed out (for GPL: centering spring "on" but
at 0%).
Mind you, it'll be always less effortless than a real car as: you do need to
put the forces up a bit(*) to feel what's going on (to replace the seat of
the pants feel) and you have less lock available, so the forces reacted back
through the steering have more leverage on you than in a real car.
Hope this helps and keep enjoying the game,
(*) Rem.: carefull it doesn't started feeding back on itself (like a guitar
amp that's up too loud), 'cos that'll give you a whole new can of worms.