logitech momo wheel very stiff

john smit

logitech momo wheel very stiff

by john smit » Tue, 10 May 2005 09:15:25

hello, i just got the momo steering wheel and pedals, and have been playing
NFS-PU, having lots of fun, but i think that the wheel is overly stiff,
after letting some friends try it, they also imeidately commented on how
stiff the wheel is compared to 'normal' driving.

is there a way to adjust this or am i stuck with it?



Alan Bernard

logitech momo wheel very stiff

by Alan Bernard » Tue, 10 May 2005 11:14:08

Not sure what you mean by "stiff", but try adjusting the force feedback down
a bit and see if that helps.  Also, try the wheel with another game (Nascar
2003, GTR, e.g.) and see if feels the same way.  It could be the game and
not the wheel.  Momos are very good wheels, but might not be quite to your


Ashley McConnel

logitech momo wheel very stiff

by Ashley McConnel » Wed, 11 May 2005 04:38:28

Have you got the centring spring enabled?  You shouldnt need it for
most games

All the best,


Jan Verschuere

logitech momo wheel very stiff

by Jan Verschuere » Wed, 11 May 2005 06:02:58

Is it completely free in the game controllers applet (Control Panel - Game
Controllers select your MOMO en click the properties button)? -when on that
screen the wheel should offer little resistance if any at all (you're just
moving the gears). Don't push any of the buttons though as some demo effects
will kick in at full strenght.

If it's ok there, hit the settings button and play with the settings there,
especially the overall strenght. IIRC you don't need the "Spring effect" and
"Damper effect" settings in NFS:PU (set to 0%) and the centering spring
should be off, like Ashley pointed out (for GPL: centering spring "on" but
at 0%).

Mind you, it'll be always less effortless than a real car as: you do need to
put the forces up a bit(*) to feel what's going on (to replace the seat of
the pants feel) and you have less lock available, so the forces reacted back
through the steering have more leverage on you than in a real car.

Hope this helps and keep enjoying the game,

(*) Rem.: carefull it doesn't started feeding back on itself (like a guitar
amp that's up too loud), 'cos that'll give you a whole new can of worms.

john smit

logitech momo wheel very stiff

by john smit » Wed, 11 May 2005 07:56:42

i've obviously found the right place for help with this!

i tried your suggestion, using the control panel.. and that did lighten up
the steering.. but now i have no FF at all in the game, and the 2 lights
that are usually on on the wheel are now off.

i guess the problem is i really don't understand the realtionship between
the control panel settings, the logitech launcher applet, and the in game
settings.. they all seem to have simliar properties.. but which one 'rules
them all'?

is there an FAQ on this subject? i've looked but no luck yet.

thanks for any help


Jan Verschuere

logitech momo wheel very stiff

by Jan Verschuere » Thu, 12 May 2005 08:14:31

Check if you've not accidentally unplugged it (power supply or USB
connector) or that the adapter hasn't coincidentally died. I can't speak for
the more recent models, but I think one led should be on at all times if
it's powered.

Stop using the Logitech launcher, it serves very little usefull function.

You can look at the settings in the Game Controllers applet as a sort of
global scaling factor for the different effects. The settings in the games
dictate how their internal values relate to ones that are passed on to
DirectX and ultimately the wheel. So a setting of 100% means that the
largest value in the game will lead it to pass the value for maximum force
to DirectX. This is then scaled by the driver to the factor you set in the
controller applet and passed on to the wheel.

For mine I use 90% overall strenght in the controller applet and then I
adjust to taste in the game.

Not that I know of... it's a trial and error thing at heart.

E.g. the force feedback in F1C (Ea Sports F1 game) is superb, but it
requires an enormous amount of tweaking (and manual editing of configuration
files) to get right. The only game I bought recently where the FF required
very little adjustment at all, was Richard Burns Rally. Great fun to play
using FF.

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