I think there's three basic types of drivers that participate in
1) Dedicated - these guys run fast no matter where we race, and
almost always win or place in the top 3 when they race. These guys
have been "doing it" for years and years, and spend/spent a lot of
time "in the seat". This is by far the smallest of the three
categories of driver.
2) Semi-serious - these are the guys that put in a reasonable amount
of practice time but vary widely in ability or confidence. They
really want to do well, but they tend to get into or put themselves
into bad situations where they end up damaged severely off the pace.
If we didn't have so many cautions, many of the guys in this group
could give the "dedicated" drivers a decent run for their money
simply by exercising some tire management and pit strategy.
3) Casual/newbie - these guys just run for the fun of it, and will
try to run a few practice laps before joining the race (if they
practice at all). These guys generally don't do very well - if they
would practice more and gain some confidence in what the car can do,
they would be better competitors. They're not bad drivers, they just
need a lot more seat time than they are willing to commit to.
I think most of the best racing happens behind Tim, Mike and Dave K.
We're back there scratching out anything we can get, and are well
satisfied to place in the top five on the lead lap (given that we
have no hope of catching the leaders until the next caution falg
flies). Me, Larry, Ginger, Mitch, Brian, and even Dave put on a
pretty good show most of the time.
Another thing is that with Tim, Mike, and Dave K being so uniformly
fast from week to week, there's really nothing to be gained by trying
to keep them from passing you, so many of us simply let them go after
feiging ability for a lap or two.
In the end though, it's just about the fun we have doing this, nd
we're damn lucky to have what amounts to a private server on which to
play without being hassled by the purile little***heads that run
rampant through Sierra's pickup races.
It would be a damn shame if you quit hosting because, even though you
didn't race much, you still provided a valuable service for the rest
of us. I personally think you might have too many other racing
things going on that are more important than your participation in
RASCAR races, and that's fine because you're probably racing for
points. If I were you, racing in RASCAR would be way down on *my*
priority list too.
I don't mind the same three guys winning week after week (well maybe
I do a little), but I *would* mind if there wasn't any racing at all.
How about a GPL race sometime in the near future? I'm sure most of
the current RASCAR guys have that sim. :)