SPIOLER on the aussie GP

Kai Fulle

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Kai Fulle » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I posted the message after reading a message along the lines of (When the
messages about the race come along, please have a courtesy to mark it with a
spoiler.) and then there were no messages saying please don't post them at

So I really didn't think it was unacceptable, I would much rather discuss
the race with my buds on r.a.s. than with the crazies in the real
newsgroups. Lets face it, we're not all on 2400 baud modems where it's a
problem just downloading the headers, if you don't want to read about
"aussie GP" then skip it.

If I'm sadly mistaken, please enlighten me.

> >>>For ***s sake, there is now not only, but now, if
> >you're
> >annoyed with the volume,, why do we have to
> >have
> >all this off topic shite here in r.a.s?

> >Er, freedom?

> >--DK

> >PS  If'n yew set yore newzreeder to ignower the messages wid the werd
> >"SPOILER" in theyer headder, yew'd be a happpppier pup.

> I'd be way happier if muppets would post in, or rather,
> on-topic ng's to do with F1. This is a simple case being too lazy/stupid
to go
> to a completely on-topic NG. I've no desire to read F1 rubbish/conjecture.

> This is not about Freedom, rather, respecting the charter's of various
> and indeed, AUP.

> Z.

> Please remove my_pants when replying.

Jan Verschuere

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Jan Verschuere » Thu, 16 Mar 2000 04:00:00

"Do as I say, don't do as I do" -comes natural to the human animal.


Rafe McAulif

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Rafe McAulif » Thu, 16 Mar 2000 04:00:00

>> Actually pretty lucky that HHF
>> blew up, cause RB was stuck behind Button after the 1st stop, and not
>> able to make use of his lighter fuel load.

>It probably wouldn't have mattered, because HHF had a horrible pit stop
>before his car expired.  It was something like 23 seconds (they had a
>problem with the right rear wheel if I remember correctly).

>Dave Ewing

Quite right, but it was actually the fuel filler that they couldn't
get on to the car.

Rafe Mc

Rafe McAulif

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Rafe McAulif » Thu, 16 Mar 2000 04:00:00

>True, but then RB was faster with the lighter fuel load and we all know
>that it's next to impossible to pass in F1 and it slows you down because
>of the turbulence even if your 50 feet behind the next car. So MS knew
>he was coming in for another stop and need to increase the gap between
>2nd and 3rd so MS slowed down and moved over to let him by. I jumped the
>gun thinking they rigged it, I wasn't paying attention to the length of
>pit stops. My Bad :(
>But During the whole F1 race I only did see 1 pass on the tv and it was
>a replay. I'm sure there was a couple in the back but that sucks. (1st
>lap and M.Schumacher's pass not included.)

I was at the track and able to watch on the superscreens there. There
were actually a couple of more passes, but pretty typical that the
international TV feed missed them. I'm always amazed at the difference
between the coverage on the screens and the international feed.
Commercial pressures for advertising dollars.....? We always miss out
on the good battles in the pack to watch 20 laps of Shuey with a 30
sec. lead.

Verstappen made a pass after he came back out, the Arrows actually
looked reasonably competitive. Interesting that the pre season form
was about right.

Rafe Mc

Rafe McAulif

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Rafe McAulif » Thu, 16 Mar 2000 04:00:00

LOL!! He was a madman at the start, bit calmer now.

Rafe Mc

Ronald Stoeh

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Ronald Stoeh » Thu, 16 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Todd Sorensen uttered the following idiotic message

>> I am constantly amazed at the amount of bullshit posted about Michael Schumacher.
>> After every single race there is a slew of moronic comments, *** theories,
>> etc.  Every trivial thing of the entire race weekend
>> is dissected and interjected with anti-Schumacher invective. It really is unbelievable.
> Probably because he's a Nazi.

You dumb little racist!

Your mouse has moved. Windows must be restarted for the change
to take effect. Reboot now?
          |\      _,,,---,,_        I want to die like my Grandfather,
   ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_              in his sleep.
        |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     Not like the people in his car,
       '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)            screaming their heads off!

Jan Verschuere

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Jan Verschuere » Thu, 16 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I sure don't mind. As long as the poster is open for debate, which is what
newsgroups are about, I thought.


Mark Seer

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Mark Seer » Thu, 16 Mar 2000 04:00:00

He is penned in to drive at this year's Coys festival at Silverstone. Among
the cars he is reputed to be driving is his FW14B in which he won the
championship in 1992


> if i remember correctly he won 1992, 93 and 94 in indy, then the failed
> attempt to get into the mclaren (shouldda taken the wallet out of oyur
> pocket nigel) would have been 95, then i think he did a few appearances in
> BTCC in about 96 driving for ford racing (with limited success).

> he isn't racing any more afaik, but was i think quoted as saying he hasnt
> retired but would come back if someone offered him an F1 drive.

> think he plays golf now ;-b

> dave

> > > Here's to another Senna, Mansell or Schu.....preferably another madman
> like
> > > Nigel! :-D

> > I have to say I really miss Nigel. He really kept it interesting if
> > somewhat a little confused. As soon as an announcer would proudly
> > proclaim that you couldn't pass on such and such a turn, Nigel would
> > give it a go. A real blast if a little crazy. Only guy I ever seen defy
> > a black flag. I think he is racing touring cars some now? Seem to
> > remember something last year...perfect sport for him; you can bump and
> > grind.

> > P. Kierstead

Mark Seer

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Mark Seer » Thu, 16 Mar 2000 04:00:00

You did nothing wrong in my opinion Kai.
Provided off topic posts are done in moderation and spoiler headers are
used, as you rightly did, then most reasonable people will not object. Most
of the regulars here are good people and digress laterally from time to
time.  It would be a sad and sterile world if everything  went into the same
pidgeon holes as the trainspotters collection of locomotive numbers!


> I posted the message after reading a message along the lines of (When the
> messages about the race come along, please have a courtesy to mark it with
> spoiler.) and then there were no messages saying please don't post them at
> all...

> So I really didn't think it was unacceptable, I would much rather discuss
> the race with my buds on r.a.s. than with the crazies in the real
> newsgroups. Lets face it, we're not all on 2400 baud modems where it's a
> problem just downloading the headers, if you don't want to read about
> "aussie GP" then skip it.

> If I'm sadly mistaken, please enlighten me.

> > >>>For ***s sake, there is now not only, but now, if
> > >you're
> > >annoyed with the volume,, why do we have
> > >have
> > >all this off topic shite here in r.a.s?

> > >Er, freedom?

> > >--DK

> > >PS  If'n yew set yore newzreeder to ignower the messages wid the werd
> > >"SPOILER" in theyer headder, yew'd be a happpppier pup.

> > I'd be way happier if muppets would post in, or rather,
> > on-topic ng's to do with F1. This is a simple case being too lazy/stupid
> to go
> > to a completely on-topic NG. I've no desire to read F1

> > This is not about Freedom, rather, respecting the charter's of various
> ng's
> > and indeed, AUP.

> > Z.

> > Please remove my_pants when replying.


SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Ian » Fri, 17 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Well spoken Ronald !!!!

Ian Parker


> Todd Sorensen uttered the following idiotic message


SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Ian » Fri, 17 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Because rasf1 is full of ***and rasf1m is boring ???  ;)

Ian Parker

Zonky. wrote


SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Eldre » Sat, 25 Mar 2000 04:00:00


>>If RB needes another stop, then why go through the motions of *passing* MS?
>>could have just pitted one lap earlier.  To pass MS, *then* pit just looked
>>little - strange...


>Not really.  MS was cruising to conserve his tires, but RB knew he
>needed another stop therefore had to go as hard as he could to ensure
>he had a big enough margin over the 3rd place car in order to pit and
>still come out in 2nd.  MS knew exactly what was going on, and moved
>over to let RB pass.  If he had really wanted to keep RB behind, I
>think he could have...

Ok.  I wasn't paying attention to the length of the first pit stop.  As someone
else said - my bad.  Although it's too bad that some people can't have a civil
discussion without lowering themselves to name-calling and such...
(not you, Rob<g>)
Although I do think that Michael's a better driver than Mika, I don't think
Reubens is.  He *is* good, as is Jensen.  Very impressive.  Mika (usually) has
the benefit of better equipment, though.

Eldred - who doesn't 'hate' any driver - except maybe that damned Surtees in
GPL... :-)
Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
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