SPIOLER on the aussie GP

David Kar

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by David Kar » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

annoyed with the volume,, why do we have to
all this off topic shite here in r.a.s?

Er, freedom?


PS  If'n yew set yore newzreeder to ignower the messages wid the werd
"SPOILER" in theyer headder, yew'd be a happpppier pup.


SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Gaul » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

> PS  If'n yew set yore newzreeder to ignower the messages wid the werd
> "SPOILER" in theyer headder, yew'd be a happpppier pup.

Hehe... maybe he does.  Notice how it's spelled up there in this thread.

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Zonk » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

>>>For ***s sake, there is now not only, but now, if
>annoyed with the volume,, why do we have to
>all this off topic shite here in r.a.s?

>Er, freedom?


>PS  If'n yew set yore newzreeder to ignower the messages wid the werd
>"SPOILER" in theyer headder, yew'd be a happpppier pup.

I'd be way happier if muppets would post in, or rather,
on-topic ng's to do with F1. This is a simple case being too lazy/stupid to go
to a completely on-topic NG. I've no desire to read F1 rubbish/conjecture.

This is not about Freedom, rather, respecting the charter's of various ng's
and indeed, AUP.


Please remove my_pants when replying.

David Ewin

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by David Ewin » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

> Actually pretty lucky that HHF
> blew up, cause RB was stuck behind Button after the 1st stop, and not
> able to make use of his lighter fuel load.

It probably wouldn't have mattered, because HHF had a horrible pit stop
before his car expired.  It was something like 23 seconds (they had a
problem with the right rear wheel if I remember correctly).

Dave Ewing

David A. Ewing


Brett C. Camma

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Brett C. Camma » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

>I'd be way happier if muppets would post in, or rather,
>on-topic ng's to do with F1. This is a simple case being too lazy/stupid to go
>to a completely on-topic NG. I've no desire to read F1 rubbish/conjecture.

>This is not about Freedom, rather, respecting the charter's of various ng's
>and indeed, AUP.

Need I remind you that you are dealing with humans here.  Remember
that they are independent, cantankerous, and amazingly tough to kill.
<g>  That is why newsreaders like Free Agent have a button labeled
"Ignore Thread".

You can't change human behavior, but you can ignore it.

Brett C. Cammack
That's Racing! Motorsports
Pompano Beach, FL

Mark Seer

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Mark Seer » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

The guy is selective when it comes to flaming people for o/t conversation,
and when to indulge in the former himself. I've been through this before
with him!


> >>For ***s sake, there is now not only, but now, if
> you're
> annoyed with the volume,, why do we have to
> have
> all this off topic shite here in r.a.s?

> Er, freedom?

> --DK

> PS  If'n yew set yore newzreeder to ignower the messages wid the werd
> "SPOILER" in theyer headder, yew'd be a happpppier pup.

Jan Verschuere

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Jan Verschuere » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Nothing like a good old grudge match... go get 'm Mark!


> The guy is selective when it comes to flaming people for o/t conversation,
> and when to indulge in the former himself. I've been through this before
> with him!

> MS

> <snip>

David Shiel

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by David Shiel » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

if i remember correctly he won 1992, 93 and 94 in indy, then the failed
attempt to get into the mclaren (shouldda taken the wallet out of oyur back
pocket nigel) would have been 95, then i think he did a few appearances in
BTCC in about 96 driving for ford racing (with limited success).

he isn't racing any more afaik, but was i think quoted as saying he hasnt
retired but would come back if someone offered him an F1 drive.

think he plays golf now ;-b


> > Here's to another Senna, Mansell or Schu.....preferably another madman
> > Nigel! :-D

> I have to say I really miss Nigel. He really kept it interesting if
> somewhat a little confused. As soon as an announcer would proudly
> proclaim that you couldn't pass on such and such a turn, Nigel would
> give it a go. A real blast if a little crazy. Only guy I ever seen defy
> a black flag. I think he is racing touring cars some now? Seem to
> remember something last year...perfect sport for him; you can bump and
> grind.

> P. Kierstead

David Shiel

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by David Shiel » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

umm hence someone came up with the great idea of putting spoiler in the
subject line.

if you dont wanna know ignore it


> >ok...

> >Both Jags Crash, along with De La Rosa

> >McLarens All Blow their engines, after a brief 1 -2 lead to start the
> >Mika obviously in front....

> >Then Ferraris and Jordan's go at it, Shu with a big lead....

> >Jordan's blow up...

> >Shu looses 2 seconds off his laps, Other Ferrari guy takes lead, running
> >away. and decides to make a last minute decision to get some fuel just
> >fun. (Wanted to get his pit crew guys a bit more practice?) Schumacher
> >4 additional champ points.

> >Ralf gets 3rd, team mate Button was doing good, before he blew up...

> >BAR got in the points...

> >Bottom Line everyone good blew up, then Ferrari decided who needed the
> >points most...

> For ***s sake, there is now not only, but now, if
> annoyed with the volume,, why do we have to
> all this off topic shite here in r.a.s?

> It's just *completely* unneccesary.

> Z.

> Please remove my_pants when replying.

David Shiel

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by David Shiel » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

hmm yeah, RB is saying oh yeah i'm number 1B.  way i see it he's still below
schumie whether he's 1B or #2.  still dont think this particular incidence
was rigging tho


> >Maybe so, since we all know about Irvine's contract last year.  But

> RB's contract is said to be quite different from EI's one. It is not
> explicitly said that he is n.2 even if when there is just one T car it
> is for MS (I think also in qualify)

> >the times for RB's pit (9)and MS' (13).  Could be a reason for that.  I'd
> >think it more probable that RB had an earlier splash and go and had to
> >back in later. But once again..who knows?  We'll see how the season goes.

> As for the pit, it is also my impression. RB's first stop had just a
> little more than 6 sec. of refuelling. On the Italian TV, Giorgio
> Piola said that a 1 stop strategy takes around 11-12 sec. for fuel,
> while a 2 stop strategy takes under 10 sec. to complete. I think this
> was done to get RB out from the Jordan couple .

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Peter Hoope

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by Peter Hoope » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Glad to see somebody else though this lad did a terrific job, great chance
of being in the points until his engine gave out. Sounds as though he had
some pretty good battles at times.... just a shame the cameras didn't pick
much of it up. Looking forward to seeing how he does at Brazil now,
hopefully a little more luck in qualifying and he will start much further
up the grid.


Peter Hooper

> And, BRAVO, Jensen Button. A splendid performance for the first race,
> too bad his car broke down. I hope this will silence his critics.

David Kar

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by David Kar » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Eeeeeewwwwwww . . . that's a bit embarrassing for Mr. Z., I bet.  Kinda feel
for him . . .

Look, Zonk, I'm sorry I posted a message about F1, and I'm sorry I wrote to
you that posting non-sim stuff here (about a series which many of the
RAS'ers are interested in for very sim-ish reasons) was an issue of freedom.
Clearly my doing that wasn't an issue of freedom--it was an issue of. . .
(WAIT FOR IT) . . .

or, dare I say,

love and cheeses,
--David K.
alias Muppet!

[snip thousands of Zonkie-fied off-topic posts]

David Kar

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by David Kar » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

"putting spoiler"--or something reasonbly close, anyway . . .


hiked his thumbs in his overalls, spat out the 'baccy, and hollered in

David Kar

SPIOLER on the aussie GP

by David Kar » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Hey you didn't spell "reasonably" correctly, you friggin mor-- . . .oop,
wait---that's me . . .


--_ _

> "putting spoiler"--or something reasonbly close, anyway . . .

> --DK

> hiked his thumbs in his overalls, spat out the 'baccy, and hollered in

> > umm hence someone came up with the great idea of putting spoiler in the
> > subject line. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.