there are two versions, CD and floppy. Any one know what the differences are
between the two formats, if any? Also, in reguards to the CD version. Does
it require you to put the CD in the drive to start and play the game?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
>>Hi all. I need some advice please. I am about to order Nascar. I've
>>there are two versions, CD and floppy. Any one know what the
differences are
>>between the two formats, if any?
>CD has SVGA graphics as well as the VGA that comes on the disks. Unless
you have
>a Pentium 90 or so... SVGA is a waste IMHO.
> Also, in reguards to the CD version. Does
>>it require you to put the CD in the drive to start and play the game?
>No, you can play from the HD.