N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!


N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by Tark » Wed, 29 Nov 1995 04:00:00

>Okay.. now.. be honst.... among all these racing games... which one do
>you racing fans think would be the best buy or the best racing game???


Tarkus                             Mark Spencer               ***ia Beach, VA


N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by Anson » Wed, 29 Nov 1995 04:00:00

Okay.. now.. be honst.... among all these racing games... which one do
you racing fans think would be the best buy or the best racing game???
Personally I think that Need For Speed is the Best out of the four..
but I just got the demo for ICR2.. have to check it out later..!!!
Give your opinion .. which one do you think is the BEST!!!!!
Lee Cowa

N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by Lee Cowa » Thu, 30 Nov 1995 04:00:00

With regard to a games success at delivering an exciting, drivable
and realistic (with a few glitches here and there) simulator, my vote
has to go to NASCAR.

I haven't spent a lot of time in ICR2 yet but I have noticed a number
of things I like there also.

Need For Speed delivered the best graphics of the lot but by far
produced the most arcade-like driving experience falling short of the
other simulators.

My .02,

Dick Smi

N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by Dick Smi » Thu, 30 Nov 1995 04:00:00

>>Okay.. now.. be honst.... among all these racing games... which one do
>>you racing fans think would be the best buy or the best racing game???


>Tarkus                             Mark Spencer

If you like open wheelers, then ICR2

If you like stockers, then NASCAR......  

                       *** S

Lord Necrococ

N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by Lord Necrococ » Thu, 30 Nov 1995 04:00:00

>Okay.. now.. be honst.... among all these racing games... which one do
>you racing fans think would be the best buy or the best racing game???
>Personally I think that Need For Speed is the Best out of the four..
>but I just got the demo for ICR2.. have to check it out later..!!!
>Give your opinion .. which one do you think is the BEST!!!!!

Well, if you prefer the heavier NASCAR stock car feel, and you don't mind
giving up a bit of graphic detail (because you will not be able to turn on full
detail unless you have a magic computer), then NASCAR Racing is your game.

If you prefer the better-handling INDYCAR feel, and enjoy road racing, then
ICR2 is for you.  An added bonus on this game is the graphic detail.  A
mid-level Pentium should have no problem with full detail on (I don't really
know about anything less than a P100, because that is the only thing I have
played the game on).  

If you are a cheese-dick who is more into arcade type stuff, then NFS is for

The Lord

Mike Carill

N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by Mike Carill » Thu, 30 Nov 1995 04:00:00

>Okay.. now.. be honst.... among all these racing games... which one do
>you racing fans think would be the best buy or the best racing game???
>Personally I think that Need For Speed is the Best out of the four..
>but I just got the demo for ICR2.. have to check it out later..!!!
>Give your opinion .. which one do you think is the BEST!!!!!

  There is really no BEST between NASCAR, ICR2 or F1GP2(whenever it is
released).  All three games have their pros and cons.  The only
determining factored would be your own personal preference.  Most
Europeans will choose F1GP2 because that is the type of racing they
grew up watching, where as most Americans will choose either NASCAR or
ICR2 because that is what they grew up watching.  They all three
are(will be) great sims in the own respect.
  As for Need for Speed, well what can you say but it is just a game,
a good game but doesnt compare to the other in three in realism.  To
me it is a game that will be enjoyed for a few weeks then put aside,
where as the other three will be enjoyed for a long time.
  Here is something to think about:  Do you know why chevy engines
arent used in F1? Answer: they are banned because they produce too
much horsepower and when put in any chassis would blow the competition

Bring on the flames!

Todd Prit

N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by Todd Prit » Thu, 30 Nov 1995 04:00:00

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Nice.

>>Okay.. now.. be honst.... among all these racing games... which one do
>>you racing fans think would be the best buy or the best racing game???
>>Personally I think that Need For Speed is the Best out of the four..

 I agree from what I've played.

Is this the arcade feel of Hard Drivin or Cruisin USA?  Will somebody who
keeps calling this an arcade game please explain the difference between
it and your choice?  You don't need to tell me the difference in appearance
of the cars or even the performance stats, just why one is an arcade game
and one not.  

Who better to ask such an easy question, eh?


               Because e-mail can be altered electronically,
         the integrity of this communication cannot be guaranteed.


N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by Anson » Fri, 01 Dec 1995 04:00:00

Hmmm... Ture.. Ture... but until anyone of us.. usual, normal, people
tried to drive a REAL F-1 .. then we know how real the game is... for
people who owns a Supra... like me... I know it's pretty real in the
game.. compare to the real car.. except I never try to run the car up
to 162 MPH.....!!!!  So.... I can tell you that N4S can keep me
occupied for a LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG time.... and for the ICR2 .. I
tried the demo.. and deleted it right after I run the first
lap....why?? well.. first of all.. the graphix for the car is good but
what about the road and other stuff?? the smoke looks fake... it's
spins A LOT... even at second gear..!!! maybe I am lack of skill but
for Gravis game pad.... I think I did a pretty good job..!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is something to think about: I don't care why they didn't put
chevy engines in F1.. they have their own reasons and I respect that
but trying to enjoy a game... don't have to know anything that's not
in the game!!!!

REGARDS........... !!


N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by 95p.. » Sat, 02 Dec 1995 04:00:00

>>Okay.. now.. be honst.... among all these racing games... which one do
>>you racing fans think would be the best buy or the best racing game???
>>Personally I think that Need For Speed is the Best out of the four..
>>but I just got the demo for ICR2.. have to check it out later..!!!
>>Give your opinion .. which one do you think is the BEST!!!!!

>   There is really no BEST between NASCAR, ICR2 or F1GP2(whenever it is
> released).  All three games have their pros and cons.  The only
> determining factored would be your own personal preference.  Most
> Europeans will choose F1GP2 because that is the type of racing they
> grew up watching, where as most Americans will choose either NASCAR or
> ICR2 because that is what they grew up watching.  They all three
> are(will be) great sims in the own respect.
>   As for Need for Speed, well what can you say but it is just a game,
> a good game but doesnt compare to the other in three in realism.  To
> me it is a game that will be enjoyed for a few weeks then put aside,
> where as the other three will be enjoyed for a long time.
>   Here is something to think about:  Do you know why chevy engines
> arent used in F1? Answer: they are banned because they produce too
> much horsepower and when put in any chassis would blow the competition
> away!!!<GGGGG>

> Bring on the flames!

OK. There is one of those amazing Chevy engines in my truck outside right now
- 4 yrs old, 34000 miles, clutch dead at 19000, second alternator by 20000,
both front fenders almost rusted off, rod knocking in engine, engine wont
run.  It has had meticulous care since new, also.  Yeah, I think you're
right, F1 is afraid.
Tom Pate
Automotive/Mechanical Engineering
Western Michigan University
Robert Berus

N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by Robert Berus » Mon, 04 Dec 1995 04:00:00

  >> me it is a game that will be enjoyed for a few weeks then put aside,
  >> where as the other three will be enjoyed for a long time.
  >>   Here is something to think about:  Do you know why chevy engines
  >> arent used in F1? Answer: they are banned because they produce too
  >> much horsepower and when put in any chassis would blow the competition
  >> away!!!<GGGGG>
  >OK. There is one of those amazing Chevy engines in my truck outside right no

  >- 4 yrs old, 34000 miles, clutch dead at 19000, second alternator by 20000,
  >both front fenders almost rusted off, rod knocking in engine, engine wont
  >run.  It has had meticulous care since new, also.  Yeah, I think you're
  >right, F1 is afraid.

Thats one case.  Remember the ol' Chryslers?  Have an '84 Chrysler EClass
(they were made only 2 years for obvious reasons), has 90,000 miles and
not one problem with the engine, minus normal maintence.  The fact that your
fenders are rusting might have something to do with the thing only having
8500 miles a year put on it.

 * TLX v4.10 * "DOS=HIGH" Hmm, I knew it was on something...
 * OLX 2.2 TD *

Rick Jon

N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by Rick Jon » Tue, 05 Dec 1995 04:00:00

>OK. There is one of those amazing Chevy engines in my truck outside right now
>- 4 yrs old, 34000 miles, clutch dead at 19000, second alternator by 20000,
>both front fenders almost rusted off, rod knocking in engine, engine wont
>run.  It has had meticulous care since new, also.  Yeah, I think you're
>right, F1 is afraid.

Hmm... You regularly run at 8000+ RPM?

That would explain it.

Matt Stro

N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by Matt Stro » Tue, 05 Dec 1995 04:00:00

>With regard to a games success at delivering an exciting, drivable
>and realistic (with a few glitches here and there) simulator, my vote
>has to go to NASCAR.

NASCAR is a very good simulator but requires a mega-machine to make it
run even acceptably - that's from experience and what I've seen here.
There, are, though, a lot of graphics options so you can always turn bits
off and it goes OK.
I've only had a go at the Demo, obviously, and am not very good at it yet
)-: Definitely feels like a racing car looks - I mean cars skidding off
all over the place because they're very sensitive machines. I have to
admit that I've had some fairly spectacular crashes just trying to get
through the pit lane. But then i remember Gerhard Berger once spinning
his car out the pit lane and into a wall a couple of years back - so
happens to the best, but is a bit embarassing on the replay!

The full game should be stunning. Grand Prix 2 is on the horizon-ish and
should be good too... perhaps the choice would come down to whether
you're a fan of Indy Car or F1?

I have the full NFS and think it's grand. I have an 8mb P5-75 (o/clocked
to 90) and it runs very well with everything on full.

There's something special about driving someone else's ferrari over the
brow of a hill, overtaking some petty BMW, only to find you've a
windscreen full of truck coming in the opposite direction. Also nice is
the way that it never seems to get scratched and there's no cost for

It's quite arcadey, although actually simulator-like compared to the
likes of Screamer. I'm afraid to admit in public that I'm of the school
of thought that believes that you can enjoy a game that isn't a simulator
in the purists' sense, and that i find the arguments over the distinction
a bit unnecessary. Still if it keeps people happy then I suppose that's
ok. NFS does give the impression of driving a car, so fulfills that much
of the criteria for being called a simulator. You can power slide (and I
often do...) and handbrake turn/roll, as well as use the horn till your
heart's content! A lot of fun.
A 0.4 from me I fear,


Mark McCu

N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by Mark McCu » Wed, 06 Dec 1995 04:00:00

There's a difference between people who enjoy racing and people who like to
drive fast.  Speeding is reckless and racing is not. Nascar and the other
sims in question cater to those who endeavor for skill and finesse in their
driving styles. N4S is just an unencumbered streak down the boulevard, or as
I refer to it, "a stress reliever"

Matt Howe

N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by Matt Howe » Wed, 06 Dec 1995 04:00:00

>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Nice.

>>>Okay.. now.. be honst.... among all these racing games... which one do
>>>you racing fans think would be the best buy or the best racing game???
>>>Personally I think that Need For Speed is the Best out of the four..
> I agree from what I've played.

>>>but I just got the demo for ICR2.. have to check it out later..!!!
>>>Give your opinion .. which one do you think is the BEST!!!!!

>>If you are a cheese-dick who is more into arcade type stuff, then NFS is for
>Is this the arcade feel of Hard Drivin or Cruisin USA?  Will somebody who
>keeps calling this an arcade game please explain the difference between
>it and your choice?  You don't need to tell me the difference in appearance
>of the cars or even the performance stats, just why one is an arcade game
>and one not.  

>>The Lord

>Who better to ask such an easy question, eh?

>Todd J Pritts

        Honestly, I like them all. I think they all have their place, at least
on my computer they do.
        For serious competition racing you can't beat Nascar and ICR2. Nascar
is my favorite because I love real Nascar. ICR2 is great but even more
difficult than Nascar. You will have to spend a lot of time with these two, to
be any good.
        NFS is for fun. Not to difficult, no setups to adjust, and it is a lot
of fun to go 213 mph while jumping 300 feet at the Lost Vegas track, then
flipping the car 23 times on landing.
        NFS also has stunning graphics and speed and their are cool videos to
watch. (I love the Viper rock-video). If your like me you won't be happy till
you get them all.
Bill & Joy Jone

N4S, ICR, ICR2,NASCAR Which one do you think is the BEST??!!!

by Bill & Joy Jone » Wed, 06 Dec 1995 04:00:00

> >OK. There is one of those amazing Chevy engines in my truck outside right now
> >- 4 yrs old, 34000 miles, clutch dead at 19000, second alternator by 20000,
> >both front fenders almost rusted off, rod knocking in engine, engine wont
> >run.  It has had meticulous care since new, also.  Yeah, I think you're
> >right, F1 is afraid.
> >_______________________________

> Hmm... You regularly run at 8000+ RPM?

> That would explain it.Typical chevrolet is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.