Love em or hate em, patches are always going to be needed for us pc gamers.
That's the way of the world now. Thank goodness we have the technology to
allow us to get these updates relatively easily.
By comparison, if you look at some other games, the N4 patch was really
fairly small. It was what, less than 5 mb? Hell, I've seen 15-20 mb patches
just to fix major problems with other releases.
Games are complicated gang, especially newer ones using newer technology and
complicated physics engines. Anyone seen a game come out that didn't need a
patch? Perfect out of the box?
How long does it take to download and install a patch? I'm not tired of it
at all, I would much rather have an update to a current game than to have no
updates at all.
Developers are really in a no win situation. They get hounded to get their
product released. The publisher, usually different than the developer,
presses them to get their game released. The public hounds them for release
dates and crucifies them when they miss it. Then when it's not perfect in
their eye, the get crucified once more.
Frankly, I am grateful we have developers such as Papy. I don't know why
more developers don't simply move over to the console market for the quick
and easy buck. That's where the volume lies. *** simming is a dying
breed. Look at what's happened to the flight sim market. I just hope the
same doesn't happen to our racing environment. Imagine being stuck with
games like Nascar Revolution.
So I say yes, keep on patching. I will gladly continue to install any
patches put forth.
Don Burnette
D Burnette in N4
Some people do nothing wrong.
The problem is, they do nothing.
And THAT is wrong.
> It should have been held back from release if it needs such a huge
> patch,followed by another unreasonably large patch.
> If a game is released as a product you BUY you should EXPECT the product
> function this case its supposed to be a race car simulator
> which the guy has purchased,and it is not functioning as it should. I
> he's entitled to be annoyed. why should he be an un-paid tester? why
> he pay to test ?? . its not a case of a few isolated types of computer
> configuration not agreeing with the game,its a basic flaw in game AI.
> the board,no exceptions.
> Stop making excuses for the companies who are taking us for suckers. I
> know of any other product that you could buy where people would be willing
> to put up with ***that does not function in the manner it should.
> I'm sick of ***y patches to the extent that I don't even think about
> buying a game on release any more.I wait until all the post xmas patches
> stop coming then wait some more just to make sure.(it don't always work,
> u listening ROWAN and you chunk of shite Battle of Britain which could
> been so good but you screwed it and did't even bother to fix it).
> So your lawnmower has no blade . tough shit we are having a bit of
> difficulty fitting blades to that type of mower,but you keep it until we
> be botherd to put it right for you,
> > On Tue, 8 May 2001 21:40:31 +0100, "Alan Coates"
> > >I've been getting to grips with Nascar. I've only run a car at Daytona
> and
> > >have been doing pretty well. With AI at 100% and full field I have
> actually
> > >won a 50 lap race. Everything seems to work fine.
> > <sniperdesnip>
> > The AI at Daytona still has it's problems, and indeed, one of those
> > problems is that they drive on the grass as you said.
> > But the patch improves the AI at all the other tracks.. some people
> > think they back off too easily now, I agree somewhat, but I've had
> > excellent races now with the AI (full 43 car field), even at a
> > nightmare track like Bristol. Before the patch I hated driving against
> > the AI, it was like racing with 42 Stevie Wonders on the track.
> > The list of things that the patch fixes is huge, you can't expect them
> > to fix every single problem in the first patch of such a complicated
> > sim (or we had to wait for another couple of months for the patch to
> > arrive..)
> > I have full confidence that the remaining problems will also be fixed
> > (we're talking about Papy here, right DGF?) so in the meantime enjoy
> > the AI at the other tracks and race Daytona online.
> > Andre