Radio in Nascar Legends


Radio in Nascar Legends

by Number » Sun, 14 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Thre has been alot of talk since NL's release about the two way radio,
that they weren't incorporated in use in 1970's.  But this notion is
wrong.  In fact,
several teams, including Bud Moore, Junior Johnson and the Wood
Brothers were
using radios from 1960 on.  Bud Moore had one in Jack Smith's Pontiac
for the
World 600 in 1960 (in the film of the event, you can actually see this
***y huge
CB antenna on the trucklid!).  Glen Wood still talks about how many
races Curtis
Turner could have won for them in the late '60's if he would have
stopped turning the
radio off (typical Curtis :-).  Petty Enterprises never said yes or no
to when or if they
used radio's back then, but  I've got film from the early 70's of Dale
Inman at
Martinsville picking up a Coke can to take a cold sip of cola......but
if you look
close, you can see it's not a drink at all, but he had a mic for a
two-way hidden in
the damned can!!!!
Now, mind you, they weren't necessarily two way radios, and probably
the "spotter" as we know it today wasn't common.  Mainly, they were
crews to communicate with the driver's,and the driver normally had a
signal system
worked out.  The reason for this was that the radios' weren't very
reliable, as I
understand.  You'd end up with trucker's talking on the channel,
houswife's gossiping, and it
could make for a mess, with some driver's coming in to soon, or
staying on the track
too long, hence running out of gas (per Richard Petty's autobiography,
Richard I").
But the point is, there were some teams (not all, mind you, but some)
who used
radio's in those days.  The call as to weather the player should use
them would
depend on how you'd like to race the era.

Brandon Reed
Reed Racing & Engineering/Team Tabasco


Radio in Nascar Legends

by Schlom » Mon, 15 Nov 1999 04:00:00

What I'd like to know is...why did he hide the mic in a damn coke can?!  Seems
odd to me but oh well.  I'd have to say its kinda essential to use the radio
because of the lack of a pitboard.  If Papy had used pitboards to tell you how
much fuel you had left it would have eliminated the radio.  BUT this probably
would have taken ALOT of work to model.  Now it was done in GPL so I would
imagine any sim based on this engine can support it...however NL probably could
have supported it to.  However this would have most likely taken a while to add
in and considering they already had the radio and "black box" two way modeled
into the game from N3, and everyone was used to it, it was a hell of alot
easier to use that.  People didnt have to "re-learn" pit stop procedures and
the programmers didnt have to re-write what was already there except in a
different form.  Though this is Papy and im guessing they would have done it if
they thought everyone could adjust to it...but alas some people wont so they
didnt do it making it a good move on their part IMO.

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